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Thomas' POV

I anxiously watched the screen as she was dropped, roughly, into the box. I cringed when she let out a light groan and can see the blood on her head. She looked around confused for a moment before she got angry. She pounded the walls of the cage before she dropped to her knees, covering her head.

Thomas stop torturing yourself

I looked up and met Teresa's gaze and frowned slightly. I knew we could speak telepathically, we could with Clara and Newt too but since it was only me and Teresa left it hurt to speak that way. My eyes went back to her on the screen. She wasn't moving. I held my breath until light filled the box and she shielded her eyes from the glaring sun. Well, at least she's alive.

I know you love her but she's with Newt now

I looked up at Teresa once more, aggravated that she kept interrupting my thoughts.

Don't you have someone you're supposed to be watching, Teresa?

Yes, and right now he's watching your girlfriend.

I glared at her before noticing that she was right. Newt and Alby had jumped into the box with Clara, Newt reaching a hand out to her to help her. I sighed and rubbed my temple. I would be back with her again soon but even with her memory swipe she could fall head over heels in love with Newt, again, before I got there. Clara wasn't really my girlfriend, she was just my best friend. She had been with Newt several years prior to Newt being dropped into the experiment and when he was gone she had become a wreck even though she could watch him in the maze. I sighed and watched as Clara stumbled back on shaky legs and Newt reached out to her and scooped her into his arms.

Let the games begin.

A/N: Hello all! Thank you soooo much for giving this story a try! I hope you're not disappointed. Any feedback is welcome! The next chapter will start in Clara's POV :) Will post next chapter soon!

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now