A Normal Day?

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It was your average day at the RED base. Soldier was yelling at everyone, Demoman was drunk and passed out, Heavy was polishing his mini gun, Sasha, Scout was running laps and compareing his finish times with his old records, Spy was smoking, Sniper was practicing his shooting, Pyro was working on modifications to his flame thrower, Engineer was working on modifications for the sentries, and you were helping Medic in his lab. Yup, you're Medic's assistant and help him with his experiments and at first you were a bit bothered by the sight of blood but now it doesn't really matter, unless it's yours, Medic's, or anyone else on the team's then you patch them up if Medic is busy. So today was a cease fire day so you were in the infirmary with Medic waiting for someone to come by after hurting themselves or got hurt in a fight with someone. "Slow day today, don't you think so Medic?" You asked "Ja. Silence is nice though, better than zem constantly calling for me. Plus it makes mein job easier vith you here helping. Danke schön. (thank you much or thanks much) " No problem. Happy to help." You said and still you waited for someone to show up when Demoman walked in, well fell in. "Am I in *hic* 'eaven or some'n. Cos all *hic* I see is light." You looked at Medic and he looked at you with an apologetic look and you sighed and went over to Demo. "You're in the infirmary Demo. You fell in here, so what do you need?" You asked "More to *hic* drink would be *hic* nice lass." Demo said "I think you've had enough to drink Demo." And Demo looked at you sad when you all heard a scream. "I'll get ze tools (Y/N) go und do vat you can I vill be zere shortly!" Medic said and you took off running and arrived to find Scout... Eating Soldier and you pried Scout off Soldier and Scout tried to bite you but he missed. "Soldier what happened here?" You asked "Maggot ran at me and tried to rip out my throat." Soldier said in a surprisingly quiet voice. When Medic arrived he asked what happened and you told him "Vell zat is odd to say ze least. No one dares to try und attack Soldier like zat. Usually ze two Soldiers fight each other." He said as he went to examine Soldier's wounds to see he had been bitten and chunks of flesh was torn from his arms and there were numerous scratches covering his face and arms. "Can you walk?" Medic asked "I'm pretty sure I can Doc." Soldier said and he got up and tried to walk to the infirmary to get patched up. You just looked at Scout who had been detained and how he was trying to bite anyone who got too close. "Hey Medic, does it look like Scout's flesh has been torn in places?" You asked and Medic looked at Scout and saw it looked as though some of the flesh on his neck had been bitten and torn off. "Ja, on his neck. Stay avay from him until ve know vat is wrong vith him." You nodded and Medic told everyone to stay away from Scout so they don't get attacked. Then you went to the infirmary and found Soldier on the floor with his hand on the examination table and you went and checked his pulse "Nothing. Is he...?" You asked and Medic turned him over to see Soldier's heavily bloody uniform. "Blood loss." Medic said and Medic carried Soldier's lifeless body outside and everyone gasped when they saw Soldier. "Doktor. Is Soldier sleeping?" Heavy asked and it took Medic a moment to respond "Ja. He vill not vake from his sleep." And everyone wearing a hat took off their hats and placed them over their hearts. "Poor Soldier. I'm actually gonna miss em callin us Maggots." Engineer said sadly and Medic carried Soldier a little while away from the base and Heavy dug him a grave and Engineer made him a coffin that he certainly would have approved of. It had the American flag design on it with a Bald Eagle. He also made Soldier a headstone that read "R.I.P. Soldier we will miss you affectionately calling us " Maggots" and we will miss you." Once the funeral was over everyone was infuriated at Scout for what he had done. "Heavy will be back. Will get Sasha." Once Heavy returned he had his beloved mini gun pointed at Scout and began firing while yelling in Russian at him and Scout fell and no longer moved. However he got up again "Impossible." Everyone said at the same time and once again Heavy fired his gun at him but this time he got a head shot and Scout never got up again. Everyone approached carefully and to make sure Sniper grabbed Scout's shotgun and shot him again getting a head shot. "What could've caused this?" You asked and everyone shrugged. That was when they got a letter from Mann Co. Saying that there was a virus bringing the dead back to life and the virus was spread by bites and scratches from the dead. The only two ways to kill them as it was observed was severing the top of the spine or massive trauma to the brain. (if you know what movie this is from *high five*) "Doc, (Y/N) what do they mean by this?" Sniper asked (I don't know how to type with an Australian accent sorry) "It means either break ze neck or shoot zem in ze head." Medic said. "Will this affect Soldier?" Demoman asked "Probably." You said. "I couldn't do that." Everyone said "I don't think any of us could." Spy said. "So what do we do if Soldier comes back from the dead?" Demoman asked and for once he was sober and didn't seem overly tempted to drink. "One of two things. Kill him or try and escape." Sniper said. "Even though Soldier was always hard on us and always called us maggots and various other names I don't think any of us could actually pull the trigger or snap his neck." Demo said and all of you went and locked down the base to try and avoid further infection. "Doc, (Y/N) do ya think you could try and find a cure?" Engie asked "Ve vill try but stay in ze base und do not leave under any circumstances." Medic said and the two of you went to try and create a cure for the virus after taking a vial of Scout's blood for analysis.

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