Competition Or Not

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Once you and Medic left his lab you were both walking together holding hands. Spy passed by you both and gave Medic an approving look and Medic said "Danke Spy." "No problem mon ami." So anyway Medic went to go and get you both some food and Sniper walked over to you. "Hey (Y/N). There's something I want to tell you." "Go on." "Um. I'm just gonna say it. I love you." Medic came back and picked you up and held you close to him and said "Die Madachen ist mein!" (The girl is mine also it is not pronounced die it is pronounced dee and it's pronounced Mad-a-shen) Although Sniper didn't understand what Medic said he got the picture and walked away sadly. Once Sniper was gone Medic faced you and said calmly "Du bist mein, liebe." (You are mine, love and no I didn't look these up. I know a little German and can speak in a full sentence and translate some words. But not a lot of words sadly.) You kissed Medic and said "I know." With that Medic stayed with you and often gave Sniper the death glare when he got too close to you. Medic was relieved that he had told you first otherwise you could've ended up being with someone else. Then Heavy walked over "Hello Doktor. Hello (Y/N)." "Hallo Heavy." "Hi Heavy." "Sniper was sad so I asked him what was wrong. He said he loved Doktor's girl. Who is Doktor's girl?" "I am." You said and Heavy was giving you a spine crushing hug "Heavy is happy for friends!" "Heavy, my spine." He released you and said "Sorry." "Don't worry about it." Heavy went over to Medic and patted him on the back "Good job Doktor." Medic looked at him confused and asked "Gut job on vat?" "Telling her before Sniper or Scout." "Scout too?" "Da. Heavy is friends with Doktor's girl." "Gut." Heavy went over to you and offered you a sandwich he had made and you accepted "Thanks Heavy." "Anything for friends. Doktor is very protective of you." "I know." "Doktor must love you a lot." "Yeah, he does." Heavy got up and went over to Medic "Doktor, do you want sandvich?" "Ja. Danke Heavy." So Heavy went to go make Medic a sandwich. He returned shortly with a sandwich and presented it to Medic "Danke Heavy." "Anything for friends." Heavy said and he left you both to eat your sandwiches.

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