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You were cleaning Sniper's rifle when Medic came by "Hi Medic." "Hallo liebe. How are you?" "Good, you?" "Gut." "That's good." "Ja." The conversation carried on for a little while and Medic said he had something he wanted to ask you. "Do you vant to go on a date vith me?" "Who else would I go with?" You asked and you added "And yes I will." "So ve vill go about eight. Does zat time verk?" "Yeah it does." So you finished cleaning off Sniper's rifle and then you worked on little jobs.
Time skip to 8
Medic came by your room and knocked on your door "Be right there." You said as you finished getting ready and when you opened the door you stared at Medic. "Vat?" He asked "I've never seen you in a suit. You look handsome." He blushed a little and said "You look beautiful." And you blushed a little and said "Thanks." "Shall ve go?" "Yes." Medic offered you his hand and you accepted. He took you to a new part of the base you hadn't seen before "Zis is vhere ve get meat usually." Considering it was a forest it made sense. Medic covered your eyes and led you into the forest "Where are we going?" You asked "You vill see." He answered and once he uncovered your eyes you saw a beautiful clearing with a waterfall nearby and fireflies were flying around and there was a table set for two with candles illuminating it. "It's beautiful." You said "Not as beautiful as you." Medic said and he pulled out your chair for you and waited for you to sit "Thank you." You said "Anyzing for you." He said and he gently pushed your chair in and he went and sat down. He then gave you your food which was steak with mashed potatoes (if you're a vegetarian pretend it's a salad or anything you like) and he got you a glass of water. You both ate in silence until Engie came by "Howdy. Sorry to interrupt but we got a problem." You both followed Engie back and you asked "What's going on?" "More walkers. Think you can snipe off some?" "I'll try." You said and you picked off about ten and the sentries got the remaining ten. Then you heard yelling "LET ME IN MAGGOTS! NOW!" Demo looked out and said "BLU Soldier. Let him in." Engie opened the door and BLU Soldier ran in. He looked around and didn't see RED Soldier anywhere "Where's your pathetic Soldier maggots?" "Scout killed him and he turned so the sentries shot him and Pyro burned him." You said and everyone looked down. "He... He's dead?" BLU Soldier asked in disbelief "What 'bout your team?" Engie asked "Dead. All dead. As you can see I'm the only survivor." "Vere you bitten or scratched?" Medic asked "I got a scratch on my arm. Why?" "How long ago vere you scratched." "An hour. Tell me why you need to know." "Ve haff a cure und it vill only verk in four hours after ze victim vas bitten or scratched." So you went to fetch the cure and needle for a shot. "Hold still. Zis vill only sting for a moment." Medic said and he injected the cure into BLU Soldier's bloodstream. "Zere ve go. You vill be fine just relax for a little vhile." Medic said and BLU Soldier grumbled an annoyed "Fine." And went and sat down. "Where's your Sniper?" BLU Soldier asked "I killed him." Medic said "Why?" "He vas hurting (Y/N)." Medic said and BLU Soldier had a little smirk on his face. "Aww are you two in wuv or something?" He said in a slightly mocking tone and Medic held you close to him and you side hugged him and he said "No one hurts her as long as I live." And BLU Soldier was in front of you two in an instant and forced your heads together and laughed as he exclaimed "KISS MAGGOTS!" And he forcibly pushed your heads together trying to make you kiss each other and Medic got himself free and he freed you too. "Thanks Medic." You said "It's no problem liebe." He answered and BLU Soldier ran after you two yelling "GET BACK HERE AND KISS MAGGOTS!" "Any ideas for a hiding place?" You asked as you and Medic sprinted off, you were as fast as one another so you ran side by side. Medic thought quickly and said "Ze infirmary. Ve can hide in zere." And you both sprinted towards the infirmary and ran to Medic's room and hid in the closet. "This is a bit tight." You whispered as quiet as you could "Sorry about zat." Medic said and BLU Soldier bursted in and looked around "I know you two are in here. Come on out." He said "What do we do?" You mouthed "Vait until he isn't paying attention und run out." Medic mouthed back "Good plan." You mouthed "Danke." He mouthed back. BLU Soldier walked by you guys a few times as though he were taunting you. Then he left and you both waited for at least five minutes and carefully opened the closet door so it didn't make noise. You then carefully walked out and went back to the rest of the team. "THERE YOU ARE!" BLU Soldier exclaimed but Heavy got in the way and blocked him and said "Doktor and (Y/N) will not do as you say. Leave them alone and do not bother them unless you need to." Heavy said and BLU Soldier grumbled and walked away. "Danke Heavy." Medic said "Thank you so much Heavy." You said giving him a hug and Heavy gently hugged you back and said "No problem. If BLU Soldier gives friends more problems, come find me. I deal with him for you." Heavy said and Heavy walked off leaving you alone with Medic. "At least he won't try that on us again." You said "Ja." Medic replied and he offered you his hand and you took it and you held hands as you both walked off to find something to do.

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