Later That Night

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Medic's POV
After we said good night to each other (Y/N) and I went back to the lab. "Gut nacht liebe." I said "Good night Medic." She responded and once I was in my room I collasped on my bed. Soon I was fast asleep and I heard crying and whimpering coming from the room next door. I grabbed my bone saw and walked into her room and she was tossing and turning in her sleep. I put my bone saw away and went over to her and gently shook her and she shot up wide awake and alert. "Are you alright liebe? I heard crying und whimpering." I said "Just a nightmare. I'm alright." I hugged her gently and said "If you vant me to stay here vith you I vill." She nodded and began to get up "Vat are you doing?" "I heard something outside." I pulled out my bone saw and kept her behind me as we carefully approached the door. Once I opened the door we saw crates and we went over to them and listened in to them and didn't hear movement or anything of that nature so I opened the crate to find sentry ammo. In the second there was flame thrower fuel, in the third was grenades and various other explosives, in the fourth was sniper rifle ammo, in the fifth was various foods, in the six was at least eight gallons of water, and in the seventh was ammo to a mini gun. Slowly everyone came out of their rooms to see what happened. "Supplies came in." She said and everyone put away their weapons and came over. "This should keep us safe for maybe two weeks." Engieneer said and he took the crate of sentry ammo to the sentries and reloaded them, Pyro took the flame thrower fuel and refueled the flame throwers, Demoman took the box of explosives and put them with the other explosives, Heavy took the mini gun ammo, and (Y/N) took the box of sniper rifle ammo to the infirmary and she came back soon after. "Where do we put the food and water?" Engieneer asked since we had a full storage of other supplies. "Hmm. We could make a second supply shed and use that." Demoman said and Engieneer set off to work. After a few hours he was done and we put additional supplies in the new supply shed. "That should do it." Engieneer said. "Strange that we haven't seen any BLUs around." Demoman said. We all agreed and we thought of theories of as to why they hadn't come by us. The most popular being they all turned into those creatures or they're doing the same as us. Then we heard something trying to break down our door and saw that it was a zombie version of BLU Scout. The sentries shot him and the flame throwers burned him. Then (Y/N) pulled me aside and asked "What do we do if Red Mann asks about Sniper? Wouldn't he have found out that he didn't turn?" "Ve say zat he vas getting aggressive towards ze others und I killed him vhen he vas attacking you." I said and she nodded. Then there weren't any other interruptions during our day.

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