Why Does This Keep Happening?

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You were blindfolded and gagged so you couldn't call for Medic and you couldn't see where you were. Then the gag was forcefully removed "W-who are you?" You said and the blindfold was removed to reveal Pyro. "Pyro you're here to help me right?" Pyro turned his head to the side and shook his head "No" and you looked around to see where you were and it was a dark room. Pyro showed no interest in harming you instead he studied you and watched you while you observed the room and tried to escape your binds. You knew it was pointless to try calling for Medic or Heavy to come help you since Pyro was there and you didn't know what he would do.
Medic's POV
I returned to my room and I got into bed and I felt around for (Y/N) but I didn't feel her anywhere or see her. Instead there was a note that read "If you want to see your precious girl again you will do as I say. First go to Pyro's room unarmed. Not even a hidden syringe, nothing. Then give up the cure. And tell me how to create the cure, then I will give you back your precious girlfriend. If you break any of these rules she dies in front of you and you won't be able to save her in time. You have three hours." I was filled with murderous fury and I reluctantly did as it said and I filled syringes with lethal injections and the cures to them. I had a few syringes of the real cure too and I wrote down the steps to creating a lethal injection. No one hurts MY (Y/N) and lives to tell about it. So I left for Pyro's room and wondered if Pyro had written that note or if it was someone else.
Your POV
Pyro sat there and stared at me and I heard dark chuckling coming from behind me. "Your precious Medic can't save you this time. I know him and he's going to go against my rules. He might as well come here now and kill you himself." Fear surged through me and I didn't say anything "What? Do you have something to say?" "No." I said and then I heard a door open and footsteps approach. I hoped it was Medic and he walked in carrying a briefcase like box (like the one in Resident Evil the movie version that is). "You're here. Good, good. Now give me the cure and the steps to make it." Medic handed him the briefcase like box and said "All of it is in zere. Vould you like a demonstration?" He asked "Sure." And Medic grabbed a syringe and filled it with a liquid "Zis vill haff to go into your bloodstream through your neck. It has already gone in through your arm und it isn't safe for ze cure to go in through a previous injection site." He explained "Alright." And Medic went over to him and injected the liquid into the man's neck. "How long before the effects." Medic grinned and said "Now." And the man began spazzing on the ground "Wh- what d-did y-you g-give m-me?!" "Oops. Zat vas not medicine. Zat vas a lethal injection." The man soon stopped spazzing and laid on the ground seemingly dead and Medic untied me. "Are you alright?!" He asked worridly "I am now." I kissed him and he kissed back and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We sat there for what seemed like forever and then we broke apart. Medic then picked me up bridal style and then he noticed Pyro sitting there watching the whole thing. "Did he hurt you liebe?" "No, he sat there staring at me and he's the one who abducted me." Medic glared at him and got out his bone saw and stabbed Pyro killing him instantly. He then picked me up again and carried me to the infirmary. And he checked for any wounds "Hmm. No wounds. Gut." He said to himself "Liebe I don't vant you to be left alone. Vould you mind staying vith me?" "Okay." I said and we held hands and walked out and Medic issued a warning "If anyone tries to hurt her in any vay, shape, or form I vill kill you in ze most brutal und painful vay I can." Everyone nodded quickly and he quietly said "Gut." Then Heavy came to talk to us. "Hello Doktor, Hello (Y/N)." "Hallo Heavy. Sorry about zat, vat happened." "Don't worry about it Doktor. You just want her to be safe." Then Heavy gave me a gentle hug "What happened anyway?" "Pyro und BLU Soldier abducted her und I killed zem both." "If you would like I can help protect her." "Danke Heavy." "No problem Doktor." Then Heavy brought us in for a group hug and left then Spy came by us. "Doctor were you serious about what you said?" "I don't know. Sorry herr Spy." "Don't worry about it. You are just protecting the one you love." And I went over to Medic and rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him. "I vill never allow anyone to hurt you und live." He said quietly and soon it was dark out so we went back to his room and slept.

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