Medic Help!

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Sniper was dangerously close to your face and you tried to pry him off you. "Sniper get away from me." You said "I can't do that. Now that your precious Medic can't help you, you are mine." Sniper smashed his lips on yours and you struggled to get him off you. Once he released you for air you yelled at the top of your lungs "MEDIC HELP!" Sniper glared at you and said "He can't help you now." "MEDIC PLEASE HELP ME. SNIPER'S TOWER. MEDIC!" Sniper slapped you hard and said "That's enough of that. Medic won't be able to save you now." And once again Sniper smashed his lips on yours and you tried to fight him off
Medic's POV
"MEDIC HELP!" I heard (Y/N) yell and I ran and grabbed my bone saw and looked around frantically when I heard her yell again "MEDIC PLEASE HELP ME. SNIPER'S TOWER. MEDIC!" I ran as fast as I could and climbed Sniper's tower and I saw Sniper kissing her and her trying to fight him off. She gave me a "please help me" look as she tried to fight him off but he was stronger than her. I was filled with murderous fury and I silently walked behind Sniper and I put my finger over my mouth telling her to be quiet. She looked at me with a "okay" look and I slashed open Sniper's throat and he looked at me angrily. "She... Is... Mine... Not... Yours." Sniper said and I said "Nein. She is mine. You vere hurting her und I vill not allow anyone to hurt her." I continued to slash at Sniper causing him to bleed more and more until he fell and no longer moved. I picked up his lifeless body and threw him towards one of Pyro's flame throwers and it burnt Sniper's body until there was nothing left except ashes and a breeze blew by and scattered his ashes. (Y/N) ran at me and I held her trying to comfort her as she cried a little. "Vat happened?" I asked "I went to go find Sniper to make peace. Then he made me pick between the two of you and I told him I just wanted to stay friends with him and he dragged me here and you saw what happened." I held her tightly but not enough for it to have hurt "I vill not allow anyone to hurt you liebe." I picked her up and I carried her down from Sniper's Tower and I was met by everyone else with shocked expressions and Heavy asked "Doktor whose blood is that?" I looked down at my lab coat and saw it was covered in blood. "Sniper's." I said "Did he turn to one of em?" Engineer asked "Nein." I said "Then why did you kill him?" Engineer asked "He vas hurting (Y/N) because she rejected him." "So Sniper hurt Doktor's girl?" Heavy asked a hint of anger in his voice "Ja. He vill not hurt her again." I said as I grabbed her hand. I picked her up bridal style and I carried her to the infirmary to check for any physical injuries.
Time skip to arrival at the infirmary
"Did Sniper hurt you in any other vays?" I asked "He slapped me hard across the face." She said and I checked her cheeks and they were a bit red. There were also a few bloody scratches on her neck and arms. "Zere are a few bloody scratches on your neck und arms. Hold still liebe." I said as I got rubbing alcohol to clean her wounds. She winced a little and I said "Sorry." She nodded and I kept cleaning the wounds. They didn't look like they needed stitches so I got a medkit and wrapped the scratches on her arms in medical tape. I put a few bandages on the scratch on her neck. "Zere ve go. Do you feel better now liebe?" I asked "Yeah. Thanks Medic." She said and she hugged me and I hugged her back. "Anyzing to keep you safe liebe." I said. Then I helped her off the examination table and we held hands as we walked outside. "Are you okay now (Y/N)?" Heavy asked worriedly and she smiled at me and pecked my lips and said "Yeah I'm better now thanks to Medic." Heavy looked relieved to know that she was okay "I'm glad you're okay." Heavy said giving her a gentle hug. Then Spy walked over and said "I'm so sorry (Y/N). I didn't think Sniper would do this." "It's alright Spy. You didn't know. Plus he probably would've tried something anyway." She went over and hugged Spy and he gently hugged her back. Then she came back to me "I don't think you have to worry about any more competition Medic." Spy said and I remembered the looks on everyone's faces when they saw me and I looked down at my lab coat to see it was still covered in blood "Ja. I think you are right herr Spy." I said and Spy said bye to us. "Medic are you gonna clean off your lab coat?" She asked "Ja I vill. Do you vant to come vith?" I asked "Of course." She said and we went over to laundry and I washed the blood off my lab coat. "Zere ve go." I said as I took my lab coat out of the washing machine and put it in the dryer. Once it was done I put on my lab coat and she grabbed my hand and we walked out. We went over to Engineer "Hey love birds." He said and we all laughed "How are things Engie?" She asked "Good. How are you two doing?" "Better." She said "Ich bin gut." I said "Medic can you please say that in English?" Engineer asked "I am good." I said. "That's good. The sentries are coming along pretty well." He said then someone was walking towards the base. A lot of people were "Are they those things?" She asked and Engineer looked out and said "They look like it." Then he hit an alarm alerting everyone to the approach of those things. Demoman used his explosives and blew up a lot of them and Engieneer's sentries got a lot of them. For those who got too close Pyro's flame thrower burned them. Heavy was firing his mini gun at any of the creatures he could and he picked off quite a few of them. "Man there's a lot of them." She said "Ja. Ve vill make it through zis. I promise." I said as I pecked her lips and she pulled out Sniper's rifle and began picking them off one by one. "Haff you used a gun before?" I asked "No. First time." I was impressed since she hasn't actually used a gun before and she killed so many of them. After what seemed like forever they were gone and Pyro's flame throwers were burning the bodies. "Well that used a lot of ammo, explosives, and fuel." (Y/N) said. "I don't have many grenades left." Demoman said "Hudda hudda." Pyro said telling us he didn't have much fuel left for the flame throwers "The sentries need a bit more ammo too." Engineer said. "Sniper's rifle has plenty of ammo to last for maybe a few days if we conserve it." (Y/N) said "Need more ammo for Sasha." Heavy said. "What do we do now? We're dying off one by one and we don't have much ammo left." Engineer asked "We could try calling Red Mann and ask him for more supplies." She suggested. So we agreed and we called Red Mann and asked him for all that we needed plus more food and water. He said he would do what he could to help us and if he could get us anything it would arrive either tomorrow or the next day.

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