What the Heck?!

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I don't curse so yeah. Also in the pic it says "Look it's raining you" and this is why Demoman is my second favorite class. Medic is my favorite class

The next morning you heard explosions and ran to see what was happening and Demoman was throwing grenades at the creatures. You ran to help him but an undead BLU Sniper approached you and you didn't have anything to protect yourself with. Then Demo happened to glance over and saw you in trouble and he ran over to you yelling "Don't worry lass I'm comin!" And Demo got his axe out and killed the undead Sniper "Are you alright lass?" He asked you nodded and said "Thanks Demo." "No problem lass." Then Medic came running out with his bone saw and saw you with Demo and the undead BLU Sniper. "Vat happened?" "Demo was fighting those things and I went to help him but the BLU Sniper got in the way and tried to attack me and Demo came and killed it." "Danke Demo." "No problem Doc." He said and he went back to blowing up zombies. "Vere you bitten or scratched?" Medic asked "No." He checked just to make sure then you called Demoman to come to the infirmary "What am I doin 'ere?" He asked "I am just going to make sure you are not infected." Medic said and he checked for any bite wounds or scratches. "Alright you are fine." Medic said after making sure there weren't any wounds. "Thanks Doc." "I should be ze one thanking you Demo." "For what?" "For helping (Y/N)." "No problem." And Demo went back out to blow up zombies. After about three minutes you heard him exclaim "Look it's raining you!" Followed by laughter you went outside and yelled "Having fun Demo?" "Yes." He said and blew up more of the undead. After fifteen minutes Demo called you "Lass. Can you come here for a moment?" "Coming." You replied and when you found Demo he was still throwing grenades at the undead "Lass would you mind helping me with these things?" "Sure be right back." You said and you got Sniper's rifle and began killing the zombies one by one and soon they were all dead and the flame throwers burned the bodies. "Thanks lass." "No problem Demo." Then you went back to the infirmary. After an hour Spy came looking for you and Medic "Can you two come with me for a moment?" "Ja, sure." "Okay." You and Medic followed Spy back to his room and he locked the door. "Now going back to yesterday and how we're in this mess, it's understandable that Medic would be protective over you. However I think that us being in this situation is affecting everyone pretty badly and I don't mean having paranoia about these things and worrying about supply levels." "What do you mean?" "Don't take this the wrong way but you are the only female here and Sniper was jealous which caused him to abduct you, BLU Soldier took you as hostage so he could take our cure and Pyro, quite possibly, was jealous too. Odds are they want attention from a female, in other words they probably want a girlfriend or something of those lines. As I said you are the only female here so they were probably trying to get your attention and they were jealous of Medic." "Zat makes sense." "Yes but there's no telling who will crack under the strain that we're living under." "So anyone could come after me?" "Yes. Medic's warning probably will deter the others from coming after you. But probably not everyone will take him serious." "But he killed Sniper and everyone saw the blood stains on his lab coat. And he killed BLU Soldier and Pyro." "That may be so but they may think that they can fight him and over power him. I don't think anyone else will crack under the pressure but it's better to be safe than sorry." "Are you saying zat if someone cracked und came after her I vould haff to kill zem?" "No. It just wouldn't be as safe. (Y/N) I know that you are a mercenary and can fight very well, please don't take this the wrong way, but do you honestly think you could fight, for example, a Heavy by yourself? And then escape if he didn't die in the fight?" "Probably not." You said "That's what could happen if someone cracks under the pressure. You would probably have to fight them and probably kill them." "I don't know if I could do that. With Sniper he managed to over power me and I couldn't fight him off. But these are people I've known for years, I don't know if I could bring myself to kill one of them." You said "That's understandable." "Ja." "As a precaution, Red Mann is coming for a visit. I'd recommend staying near Medic." "Okay then." "Is zat all?" "Oui. Good night you two." Spy said and he unlocked his door for the two of you and you both left.
Time skip to the next morning
You and Medic awoke at 7 the next morning and walked around outside and noticed an empty helicopter and went over to it. "Looks like Red Mann is here." You said "Ja, but vhere is he?" "Here." You both turned around and saw Red Mann walking towards you. "You look nice (Y/N)." He said "Thanks." You said and then there was a bright light and you were carried off. "Hey! Let me go!" You heard dark chuckling followed by a voice you hadn't heard before which simply said "That isn't gonna happen." But you still couldn't see due to the effects of the light. Once the effects wore off you looked around but you were in a dark room with candles as the only source of light, you were tied to a chair and you tried to free yourself but couldn't. You heard someone approaching slowly and you quietly said "Medic? Is that you?" "No. Names Blu Mann. I believe you've already met my brother Red Mann." His face a few inches from yours and you closed your eyes anticipating probable death but it never came. Instead you heard metal on bone and a groan of pain and someone fall over and you were untied and picked up. "Are you alright?" A more than familiar Texas accent asked "Yeah. Thanks Engie." "No problem." Engie and you were almost to freedom when you heard a gunshot and Engie yell in pain and he fell "Engie!" You said and crawled over to him and he was clutching his side and you heard footsteps quickly approaching. You put Engie's arm around your shoulder and managed to escape and you were almost at the infirmary with both Red Mann and Blu Mann behind you. "Medic!" You called and he came running out of the infirmary and helped you get Engie to the infirmary and you barricaded the infirmary doors so Red Mann and Blu Mann couldn't get in. You went to the surgery room and Medic was desperately trying to save Engie "Get ze medi gun." He said and you obeyed and pointed the medi gun at Engie and his heart beat steadied and he stabled. "Zere I haff ze bullets." Medic announced quickly and Engie groaned in pain "Are you alright Engie?!" You asked worriedly "I am now. Thanks." He said "Your welcome." "Engie you need to rest here for a little vhile. Maybe a day or so." "Alright. Thanks Doc." "Your velcome." Then Medic and you left to let Engie rest and he turned to you "Vat happened?" And you told him everything that happened "Zat explains vhy you blocked off ze door." And you both heard two people trying to break into the infirmary. Then a scream and then silence and a pool of blood seeped into the infirmary and you unblocked the door to be met with a bloodied Demoman. "I saw 'em chasing you lass. I also heard the gunshot and Engineer yell." "Thanks Demo." You said "Danke Demo." "No problem." He said and he put his bloodied axe away. "What do we do with the bodies?" You asked "Ze same zat ve haff been doing. Burn zem." Medic answered and Demo picked up both bodies and carried them to one of the flame throwers and tossed them in front of it and the flame thrower burned them. Then Demo returned "That's done." And you nodded and wondered if someone else would crack under the pressure and who it would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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