Where's Sniper?

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You and Medic were walking around when Demo called you both. "It's Red Mann. He wants to know where Sniper is." And Demo handed Medic the phone "Hallo?" "Hello Medic. Where's Sniper? I haven't heard from him in a while." "He vas becoming more und more aggressive towards us und I killed him vhen he vas attacking (Y/N)." "Then who's sniping them off?" "(Y/N)." "She knows how to use a sniper rifle? I should give her more credit than just being your assistant. Is anyone else dead that I should know about?" "Nein, BLU Soldier is here though." "Wait WHAT?!" "BLU Soldier is here. None of ze other BLUs are alive." "Hmm. I suppose taking intel is the last thing on anyone's mind. Keep an eye on him though. Also I'm sending more ammo, fuel, all that. Good bye." "Auf wiedersehen." With that Medic hung up "How did he take it?" "He vas surprised und he said he's going to give you more credit zan being " just mein assistant." Und he is sending more ammo he didn't say vhen it vould arrive though." "How'd he take when he found out that BLU Soldier is here?" "Surprisingly vell. He said to keep an eye on him though." You went and told everyone what Medic had told you. Then you all heard yells coming from outside you went to your perch with the sniper rifle and watched those creatures. The sentries began firing and the flame throwers began burning the bodies and burning those who got too close. You picked off a few of them and got down from your perch and escaped back into the base. Though there was a zombie BLU Spy in your way and it slowly approached you, you knew the sniper rifle wouldn't do much good in close combat so you got Sniper's machete and hacked the undead Spy to pieces and escaped into the base. And went to Medic and he sighed in relief and hugged you "I vas so worried about you. Are you alright?! Vere you bitten or scratched?!" He asked worriedly "I'm fine." "No you're not!" Medic said as he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the infirmary and injected the cure into your bloodstream. You looked at your arm and saw that the undead BLU Spy had scratched you. "Zere. You vill be fine." Medic said relieved that he had gotten to you in time. "Who did zis to you liebe?" "Undead BLU Spy. I hacked him to pieces with Sniper's machete though." "At least you're safe now. I vas worried about you." And he picked you up and carried you to his room and tucked you into his bed. "You just rest here libeling. I vill be back shortly." And Medic left you alone and you rested your eyes. You heard the door open and then close again and footsteps slowly approaching you. Fear surged through you and you quietly called "Medic? Is that you?" Your mouth was covered and you were picked up and carried off.

Zombie Apocalypse (Medic X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now