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"Does this sweater make me look fat?" I asked Fetty as he laid back on his bed, already fully dressed. "What about these jeans? They make my ass look fat?"

He chuckled and sat up. "The sweater look aight. And ya ass already fat. You good."

I did a little twerk, earning a laugh from him.

I just stared at him for a minute. "I thought you said you were gonna stop wearing your prosthetic eye?" I questioned as we walked through the living room.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable about that yet." He replied.

"You should always be comfortable in your own skin. No matter what." I tucked my lips in and grabbed my purse and phone. "Let's go get Taya."

We walked down the hall to get Taya.

We were going to hang out with a couple of his friends for the day.

I used my key to unlock the door to the apartment and I heard something that made my stomach turn.

Taya was throwing up in the bathroom.

I handed Fetty my purse. "Babe, hold this please? I need to go help Taya."

I quickly made my way into the bathroom and rubbed Taya's back while scrunching my face up.

"I'm dyin'. Help. Me." She exaggerated as I flushed the toilet.

"Bitch, get your ass up and brush your teeth. Are you going to be able to go out with me and Will?" I asked.

She nodded. "I feel much better." Then she brushed her teeth and we were on our way.

In the car, my mother called me. I quickly answered it.

"Hi mommy." I greeted.

"Hey baby. What are you up to today? I heard you guys were expecting some cold weather up there in New Jersey."

I smiled. "Ma, it's been cold up here since November. I hate it- but I can handle it." I replied.

"You didn't answer my other question. What are you up to today?" She repeated.

I looked over at Fetty and back at Taya in the backseat, who was on her phone. "I'm just hanging out with my boyfrie-"

I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Taya's eyes had widened and she was staring at Will and I.

"I'm sorry, mommy. I was saying that I was hanging out with my boyfriend, Taya, and some of his friends. Nothing much planned today." I continued.

I heard shuffling in the background before she answered again. "Daddy and I miss you."

I rose an eyebrow. "Really? Because the last time I remember, you guys kicked me-"

"Please dear, we're trying to move off of that. When are you guys coming down to visit us?" She changed the subject.

I shrugged as if she could see me. "I don't know."

"If you need plane tickets for you guys to come down here, daddy will take care of it all. You know that. Just let us know when and we'll make it happen."

I smiled to myself. "Okay mommy. I'll definitely think about it." I sat up in my seat and saw that we were stopping in front of a house. "Mommy, I'll have I'll have to call you back some time. I love you. Tell daddy the same."

"Of course, sweetie. I love you, too. Be safe out there and congratulations on the new boyfriend. You definitely have to bring him down to meet us. Bye bye."

I blushed and hung up the phone.

"When were you two bitches going to tell me that you made it official?" Taya smirked.

Fetty got out of the car then came over to my side to open my door, shrugging at her question. "I guess whenever the fuck Lexi wanted to tell you."

"I was wondering where you were last night. But it didn't take that much to figure out where you were." Taya told me as we walked up to the porch of the house, knocking on the door.

Monty opened the door and I saw that Taya and him exchanged these looks.

I didn't know how to feel about it.

Fetty held my hand as he led me inside. He sat on a couch and pulled me into his lap. I leaned back on him to get comfortable.

"What the hell is this?" P-Dice poked fun at us.

Fetty chuckled. "Lexi my girl now."

I smiled at what he said. I just love hearing that.

Taya slipped away somewhere and I needed to pee- bad.

"Babe, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I whispered to Fetty and got up to go to the bathroom.

"What the hell you mean you pregnant? I wore a condom all them times I was with you three months ago!" I heard someone yell from behind a closed door.

I slowly walked over to the door to try and identify the voices. "Nigga, shut up. You want somebody to hear us?" A female whisper-yelled. "I went to the hospital two days ago and I found out that I'm three months along."

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