Part 3

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  • Dedicated to Ray

(writer's note: I forgot to say in the last part that that was the end of part two :S oh well, I'll edit that after this. I'd like to apologise for making everyone cry in the last one T-T I'm sorry. Since this is kinda a prologue for the third part there isn't that much and technically you've already read half of it so I apologise for that too. And I know the dedication is gonna seem weird but I thought I should, even though he is imaginary, it just feels right. I'll upload soon! :) )

Part 3

Looking from my lyrics to the envelope I kinda feel... at peace, I guess. The names on the envelope are becoming more vague but I can still see them in my memory. Strings, Drummer, Sailor, and Red. It's what I've always called them, for six years, never thought of them as funny names 'til now. Now everything seems funny... and blurry. I see the rose she gave me only a week ago. The poor thing's petals are scattered all over desk. Never was good at taking care of things, barely got by just taking care of me. And I've given up now.

Oh what's this? Tears? Oh God. I regret this. I want her now. I wanna hold her, feel her, kiss her.... I want her to know how much she means to me and will always mean to me. Will she ever know now? Will she ever hear this song and know how I felt? How I feel? Damn. Well... It's too late now...

I feel a pain in my stomach, in my head. I fall to the floor and the note falls with me, sliding under the desk. Shit! I try reaching for it but it’s just too painful to even move my hand. I think about calling out for Red but no sound is coming from my mouth. I can’t move anymore. I can’t feel the pain anymore. Only… peace? … No. Happiness. I can only see light now, I dunno if that death or just the drugs messing with my head. But it’s so warm, so real. I can smell flowers all around. I know then you all will be alright without me. It might hurt for a while, but I’ll always be there, watching. I know your fairytale is gonna come true Crystal. After all, I did say I’d make sure of it, right?

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