16. The Baby

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I lay in my small bed on the tour bus full of loud noises from all of the other bands we share it with. I close the curtain to conceal myself from others as I pull up Kiah's contact to Skype her. She's probably seen by now Candy jump onstage and literally suck my face off; I kind of need to set it straight that I tried my hardest to push her off, but she probably just saw the security pull her backstage.

I click the button to Skype her and patiently wait for her to answer; she doesn't. I sigh and try calling her again, but still no answer. "It's not like her to ignore my calls," I whisper to myself. I go to my contacts and call Kian, putting my phone up to my ear. It rings a few times and then he answers.

"Hey Harry, what's up?" he asks.

"Nothing really, I was just wondering if you knew where Kiah was?" I ask, turning on my side and yawning slightly.

"I dunno, she's probably in her room hold on," I hear shuffling and him open another door a few seconds later. "What the hell," I hear him whisper.

"What?" Is it something bad?

"T-There's blood all over her carpet. Kiah, where are you!" he shouts, I hear him open up another door followed by his own scream. I hear him drop the phone on the floor leaving me to panic.

"Kian?" I shout into the phone. The line goes dead.

I jump out of my bed and off of the tour bus, hailing a taxi quickly as our shows are in New York right now. I have him take me to the nearest airport and I catch the next flight to Essex.


"K-Kiah, please stay with me," I plead.

I found in her bathroom, soaked in blood and a belt around her neck. I just got off the phone with the paramedics and I'm literally trying to find a pulse. I take the belt off of her neck and almost scream again when I see the bruise it left. I lay my head down on her chest and hear a heartbeat, it's super faint, but it's there.

I sigh, a bit of weight coming off of my shoulders. I pull off my shirt and wrap it around her arm, applying pressure to the cuts.

She obviously was trying to commit suicide, the thought of hr doing this to herself makes me sick to my stomach.

Soon enough, the paramedics arrive and swiftly take her away on a stretcher. The police came with them and guess who comes in to investigate?

My dad.

I can see tears in his eyes though as he watches his only daughter being wheeled away on a stretcher. He looks at me and wipes his tears bringing me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Kian," he whispers, his tears hitting my shoulders. I guess I'm too in shock to show any emotion right now.

My dad and his team take pictures of the bathroom and her room, they also found her suicide note. The ultimately rule the case an attempted suicide. I looked at her note and immediately wanted to find my sister and hug her tightly.

My kisses burn into your soul, my touch melts upon your skin, my eyes reflect my misery of the darkness deep within, I am a waste of time, so now I shall die.


Soon enough my mum and I are in the waiting room at A&E, waiting for any word on Kiah. I have been texting Harry and needless to say, he is freaking out on a plane here right now.

About three hours have passed since they admitted Kiah and we still haven't been able to see her. Mum won't stop crying and it is actually really sad.

Finally a man approaches us in a long Doctor's coat with a small smile on his face. I regain some hope for Kiah, seeing that he seems pretty happy.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Evans, you're Kiah's mum and brother I presume?" he asks, pointing at my mum and I. We both nod slightly and my mum quickly stands up.

"How is she?" she practically pleas. Dr. Evans puts his hands on her shoulders and gives my mum a reassuring smile.

"She is stable, but we will need to keep her for at least a week. On the way here she stopped breathing thus making us have to put her on oxygen. The bruises on her neck should fade within the next few weeks or so and so should the cuts on her arms. The baby is okay though, so there is no more reason to worry."


"What baby?" I intervene. She can't be pregnant.

Dr. Evans give my mum and I a questioning look as my mum holds her hands over her mouth in surprise. "You didn't know? She's about six months along now."

I look over at my mum who is paler than a sheet. "We didn't know, but all that matters right now is that she is safe and so is the baby."

I nod my head in agreement and rock back and fourth on my heels. How could we not know she is six months along? She doesn't even have a belly.

Dr. Evans leads us to an elevator and then to the ICU level which is one the second floor. We walk down a few hallways and soon come across room 106. He opens the door and I see my sister laying there. Mum rushes to her side and takes her frail hand in hers.

A large band-aid is wrapped around her left forearm and she is actually paler than mum. Currently a bag of blood is connected to her IV and she looks worn out. I near her and sit on the opposite side of her, across from mum.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask, reaching forward to play with the ends of her hair. She smiles weakly at me and sighs, taking the hand mum wasn't holding and placing it on her stomach.

"I could've been better, but I'm alright now. I just talked to Harry on the telephone on the nightstand over there," she slightly points to a nightstand next to her hospital bed that is occupied by a telephone and a water bottle. "The reason I flew off the handle is because I thought he cheated on me and I thought I just wasn't worth anything to him anymore."

"Do not say that, you have so many people who love and care about you. You have me, Kian, Mel, Rose, all of the boys, Harry, your father, and even that baby," mum says, tears welling up in her eyes.

Kiah sniffs and wipes a tar that escapes her eye. "I don't know what got into me really, I have never had thoughts ever about killing myself. I still cannot even fathom into words why I even decided that was the only thing I could do."

Dr. Evans awkwardly coughs from the other side of the room. "One of the reasons you could've done that is because of your extra hormones and moods swings from pregnancy."

Kiah nods and shakes her head. "I just can't believe I'm going to be a mum like Rose."

"Did you tell Harry when you were on the phone with him?" I ask, poking her belly.

"No, I was going to tell him in person," she trails off, resting her hand on the top of her stomach again.

We spend another hour there, talking with Kiah and making sure she is okay. My mum had to leave for work, but promises she will visit when she is done. I spend another two hours hanging out with her until Harry arrives. He started to cry as soon as he saw her, blaming everything on himself. I bite my lip and decide I should leave them be. I quietly walk out of her hospital room and call my friend to pick me up.

I hope everything goes well.


"-and she held on as hard as she could and was literally dragged offstage by three bodygaurds. SHe's crazy," Harry said, sqeezing my hand tightly as he retold the story of Candy jumping onstage and raping his lips.

I smile reassuringly at him and squeeze his hand back. "I'm just glad she's not aloud to go to anymore of the warped tours." I say, resting my free hand on my tummy.

"And I'm just glad that you are alive," he sniffs. I wipe his tears once again and let go of his hand; holding his cheek. The thought of him potentially loosing another person he cares so much about must have been hard on him. "If you died I would've had no purpose for living either."

I pull his face to mine and kiss him softly. I pull away after a few seconds and sigh, taking his hand and placing it on my stomach. "You're about to have another person who you will probably love and care for more than me."

Harry's eyes widen and he focuses his gaze on my tiny stomach that really isn't visible. "Are you-"

"Yes, I'm pregnant. 26 weeks along to be exact," I say with a small smile. I pull the blanket down slightly and pull up my hospital gown so my stomach is showing. "I am not really showing that much for some reason, but he or she is there."

You can clearly see my stomach protruding outward a little bit with my clothing pulled up. Harry reaches forward again and rests his hand on my stomach. "I'm going to be a dad."

I nod my head and place my hand on top of his. "We are going to be parents."


wOw WhAt A pLoTwIsT

~Grace x~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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