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// heyo! new story, uhm, yup. i don't own the characters blah blah all that shit, um... i will probably get some (a lot, actually) of the facts wrong, but oh well. it's my first frerard fanfic, go easy on me

i had some inspiration from so many different sources, oh my god. and anyone who reads this, i am already so glad you are, and i hope you enjoy the story! xx //

There's always one thing that calms your mind. Whether it's extreme, or something simple as tossing a coin, there is always one little thing. For Gerard Way, it's dressing as a woman. In skirts, dresses, high heels, jewelry, makeup, you name it. His brother, Mikey, always wondered if Gerard was gender fluid, or even transgender, but when he asked him, Gerard always said "Shut the fuck and and stop asking me that! The answer is always going to be a fucking no."

Gerard didn't mean to have his brother find out, though. Mikey just walked in on Gerard wearing a dress one day and asked about it, so Gerard told him everything there was to know about why he dressed in women's clothing. Mikey didn't mind, I mean he and Gerard were very close, there was nothing Gerard could do or say that Mikey would frown upon. Except maybe fuck a girl.

Both brothers were gay, Gerard told Mikey first when he was sixteen, seven years ago, which led to Mikey telling Gerard. They were both relieved they didn't have to worry about if one would be a judgemental asshole and call the other 'faggot.' They were also glad they had each other to talk to about boy problems, or any other relationship problems for that matter. When they had come out to their parents, they weren't as accepting. This is the reason the brothers moved out before telling them.

And then, there's always one fear that makes your skin crawl. That makes your breath hitch in your throat, that if you had to face that fear, you couldn't. You just couldn't fucking do it. It's a horrible fear, one that always stays in the back of your mind. For some it's spiders or confined spaces, for others it's heights or clowns, maybe large groups of people. Some fear death and others life. But for Gerard, that fear is simply falling in love.

What's more, is someone shares that fear with Gerard, and his name is Frank Iero. Frank is in ways similar to Gerard, and other ways so different from him it's scary. Frank isn't the tallest person, he isn't exactly the nicest person either. A simpler way if putting it, he was a complete ass. He was secluded, he didn't like going outside and socializing with people. He loathed people, yet he, in some ways, needed contact with people.

He had no family. They had all died three years ago in a house fire when Frank was eighteen. He never really liked his family though, his parents abused him in every way imaginable, and his aunts and uncles, even some of his cousins, abused him mentally. But if one good thing came out of his parents, it was when his dad, when he was sober of course, taught him how to draw. Frank never stopped even after his dad died, Frank took art lessons for about a year before he quit, thinking he didn't need them anymore.

He was obviously right.

Frank sold his paintings and his drawings for pretty good money, that's how he managed to pay his rent, since his dickhead roommate, Pete, decided to leave the rent for Frank to manage.He didn't have a job, obviously. Unless you considered painting and drawing pretty much all day a job, never because Frank didn't. He called it a hobby. A hobby that made him a good amount money. Sometimes he'd do requests for people, such as a pet or a specific object, he even drew people for requests every once in a while.

He hated drawing people, almost as much as he hated socializing. He especially hated drawing families or happy, laughing couples. It made him sick. Sick with jealousy, that is. He had no family to love him, he never did. They're the reason he's so scared of loving someone, he's scared they'll hurt them, like his parents hurt him.

And the reason Gerard is so scared to love? Well. . .

- and I'm publishing this now because I'm hoping to actually finish a story this time. um... all my other stories are pretty much on hold for this one. and i swear if i get enough reads and votes on this story, it will be finished, for sure! but if not, and if it feels like not many people like it, there's a slim chance i won't finish it. i hope i get some comments about the story, and hopefully they'll be positive!

and i wanna do this cause i'm hoping you guys will comment and tell me the song you're listening to as well

I Don't Want To Be In Love ~ Good Charlotte

-kota //

falling in love will kill you ♤ frerardWhere stories live. Discover now