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// leave me be, for i hate you and you hate me. -? //

Frank was once again cooped up in his old, messy apartment wearing a dirty, torn white T-shirt and black boxers. He was sitting on a wooden stool, his paint to his right and all his paintbrushes to the left of him along with a mug full of steaming black coffee. His brown and blonde hair was now shiney and greasy. He had a little stubble on his usually smooth chin, since he hadn't showered or shaved in at least a week. That was nothing new. But what was new, is the nearly finished painting he was working on.

It was a woman, she had shortish black hair, simple black eyeliner on with pink eyeshadow that made her hazel eyes stand out, simple pink lips, and her cheeks were flushed red as if someone had just made her blush. She wore a simple black silk dress that dropped down to the floor, it had long sleeves that were more loose near her hands, and there was a cut on the side, reveling her leg and a pair of gray heels on her feet. A diamond necklace resting against her collarbone. He wasn't going to lie, she was pretty fucking beautiful.

A friend of Frank's, well maybe not a friend, more of a person he could put up with, his name was Brendon, gave him the picture and nearly begged him to paint it for him. Frank obliged, but only because Brendon had offered him a large sum of money.

For hours he sat there, the brush smoothly and carefully running along the canvas. At this point he was finished, he just needed to let the paint dry. He wasn't worried about what Brendon would think of the painting, nor what he did with it, Frank just wanted the goddamn money. Frank let out a small sigh and rinsed his brush before setting it down. He stood up for the first time during those hours to take the now cold, half empty cup of coffee to the kitchen. He did as he planned and washed the mug half-ass after managing to walk to his destination.

As he was reaching up to put the mug away the phone rang. It scared the living shit out of Frank, which caused him to drop the mug. "Fuck!" He gasped as the mug broke into many pieces on the ground. He ignored the phone completely to go get the broom and dustpan to sweep up the shards of the broken mug. And as he started sweeping it up, the phone rang once again, so Frank answered it out of sheer annoyance. "What?"

"Oh you're not in a good mood today, I see. What's wrong Frank, did someone shit in your Cheerios?" Brendon answered.

"What the hell do you need?" Frank snapped. The sound of Brendon's voice instantly getting on his nerves.

"Well, I wanted to discuss the painting-"

"Not right now Brendon, I'm busy," Frank ended the call as soon as the words rolled off his lips. He finished sweeping up the mess and made his way over to the stained couch. You could only imagine what this couch was stained with. One thing in particular that Frank could think of. But he couldn't care less, he just needed to relax. Maybe he could get a few hours of long awaited sleep. So he stretched across the couch, the springs groaning under his weight, his eyelids drooping, all before he finally dozed off.


// five days earlier //

"Mikey! Get your ass in here!" Gerard called to him from his room. Gerard was quite proud of what he managed to pull off, he just needed a bit of help with the makeup. Mikey was amazingly good at applying makeup, while Gerard absolutely sucked at it.

"Gerard- Holy shit. . ." Mikey whispered as he nodded in approval at his brothers dress. It was silk and black, his brother managed to squeeze his feet into a pair of gray heels , and even somehow grabbed his mother's necklace last time the brothers were at their parent's house. "Need help with your makeup again, Gerard?" He nodded at Mikey's question and Mikey walked into Gerard's bathroom then opened the cupboard to grab the small bag of makeup Gerard had that his old friend had given him. She knew about all this, but she died no less than four months ago.

Mikey told Gerard to sit down on the bed so he could have better access to his face, resulting in better makeup. So he sat down next to Mikey, and he started applying the eyeshadow.

Once Mikey finished all the makeup, Ray soon after barged into Gerard's room. Thankfully, he knew all about Gerard and how he sometimes dressed, so Gerard just smiled at the arrival of his good friend. But the only reason Gerard even dressed up today - well, tonight was for Ray, since he'd never seen Gerard dressed up in women's clothing.

"Damn, Gee. You look good!" Ray whistled, causing Gerard to blush a deep shade of red. Everyone knew he had a huge crush on Ray, except Ray, of course. And Ray was about as straight as. . . A crooked pole. But he had admitted to Gerard that he was completely head over heels for Mikey before Gerard ever confessed anything to Ray.

Gerard didn't love Ray. But Gerard probably couldn't bring himself to love ever again, but he could definitely come close. And he was about as close as it gets to loving Ray without actually loving him. Gerard also knew that Mikey felt the same about Ray, and as a good older brother, Gerard was determined to get the two of them together.

"Gerard!" Mikey shouted at him, snapping him out of his thoughts. Gerard blinked a couple times and kicked off the heels.

"Those are fucking uncomfortable," he groaned, causing the other two to laugh. But Gerard ignored them and sat on the bed.

"Did you know-" Mikey began to say something, but Ray quickly cut him off.

"Mikey! Shut the hell up, will you?" He groaned, fighting off a smile threatening to make an appearance. Mikey just shrugged and Gerard ignored the rest of their conversation as he looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't really do anything when he cross dressed, he just did it to make him feel better about himself. He wore the dress, or skirt, or whatever he had on for no longer than an hour before changing back into his other clothes, which normally consisted of sweat pants and a simple t-shirt, depending on what time of day it was and what he planned on doing.

After listening to enough of their flirting session, Gerard decided to use his voice instead of glaring at them. "Okay, you guys can stop flirting now and just get together," Gerard smirked and unclipped the diamond necklace drapped around his neck.

"W-what?" Mikey choked out, blushing furiously. Gerard just laughed at them and slipped out of the tight black dress.

"You heard me," he teased. Ray just kept his mouth shut and decided to look at anything other than the two brothers. Gerard walked over to the mirror and grabbed a moist rag, than began wiping off the makeup, his usual routine. After he did that he slipped on what he usually wore this time of night, which is what was mentioned before.

"Soooo," Mikey mumured with a nervous chuckle.

"Soooo, I think you two should go downstairs so I can actually sleep for once," Gerard said as he pushed them out of his room. Then he slammed the door and decided not to lock it this once.

Gerard flopped onto his bed and let out a loud sigh. He buried himself in the covers, his eyes closing slowly before he too, dozed off into slumber.

- hope you liked the first chapter! this chapter is dedicated to GalacticUnicorn because they're amazing. it's my first time doing a third person POV. and guess what? i hate it. the rest of the chapters will be in the POV stated at the top. and the chapters will hopefully be longer, this is just the first one after all

anddd! if there are any errors or anything, feel free to point them out!

Voodoo - Godsmack (even though it doesn't suit the chapter)

-kota //

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