Saving Our Kingdom: Battle at Grendrellah Castle (part 1)

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                               16: Battle at Grendrellah Castle (part 1)


We arrived at Sein an hour later and replenished our stock. Just a few things of food and clothes. We decided to wait a day so I could help Aithne with her Wolf Form before we charge into battle. Just outside of Sein, I was running with her to help her get used to the new form. Also, this was a perfect way to get your stamina boosted. I could run for hours and Aithne could only go for about thirty minutes without tiring.

"Come on, Aithne! Push yourself!" She started to huff and strained herself to go just a little faster. Soon, we were neck in neck. "Good, now we gradually slow back down..."  I slowly lessened my pace and soon we came to a stand still. I phased back and slipped on my clothes. "You're getting better."

She shifted and carefully put her clothes back on. "You... Think.... So?" She asked through each breath. Might have pushed her a little too much. I let her lean on me as we made our way back to Sein. We met Hale right at the town lines.

"Tired already?" He teased. Aithne simply rolled her eyes.

"Hush up." And I led her to the inn we stayed at last night.

In the lobby, I told them about how the plan was going to go. "Alright, guys. We head out tonight and wait at the hills. Hale, you are to head for the castle and play your part as soon as we let our final howl fade out. Then, Aithne and I wait until day break and start our part. We'll go into more detail at the hill." I looked out the window. "Dusk will be upon us within a few hours. We best head out now."

We checked out and headed for the designated hills for phase one of our plan. "How many times do we howl?" Aithne asked.

"The Wolves before us always gave three warning calls before they headed into the heat of the battle. We follow just like they did." I explained.

"I'll be at the foot of the hill." Hale hiked down to the foot of the hill and sat down with his back to us. I knew he could still hear me.

"Remember Aithne. You fight Bellanis, but make it as real as possible without hurting her." I looked her straight in the eyes and she nodded. "I'll play my part when fight ing the other guy Bellanis talked about, but I will want to hurt him. If something happens to me, and Zandrik is there, whisper quietly to Bellanis to tackle you to hold you down. But if he isn't there, do everything in your power to help."

She nodded, understanding. "Alright. That shouldn't be too hard."

I looked to the west and saw the sun begin to dip under the horizon. "Alright. As soon as the moon rises, we the battle officially starts. No backing out." Determination was clear in Aithne and Hale called out that he was ready.

"I think I'll burst into the castle and say that I was running from you because I was never following you." Hale said suddenly. "It will make him believe me faster."

I nodded. "That will work. You do that and the rest will play out as planned." All the green in the trees and shrubs started to turn into a dark green, almost black. To the north west, I could barely see the moon rising. I stripped and placed my things in my bag before I phased, readying myself. Aithne did the same. "The sunn wil set completely with the rising full moon." I told them and they gave one nod.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I sensed, rther than saw, the moon rise over the horizon. When I opened my eyes again, I gave a ready gaze to Aithne and tilted my head back, letting out a howl loud enough to be heard on Earth. It was the Howl of the Wolf King ready for the Life Changing Battle. Aithne soon followed suit and we howled out into the night. Twice, three times and let the third one die out with the wind. Once the last of the echo drifted off in the wind and all was silent, Hale got up and went through with his side of the plan.

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