Ch. 1 - Bomb Ass Pancakes

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Hey this is my first story and I'm hella nervous. Hope y'all enjoy!


Today was the day. The day when I finally get to see my boys play. Okay, so they aren't my boys specifically but they are my favorite band ever: 5 Seconds of Summer. Oh my goodness, today will also be the day I die. Today has been long awaited.

"Eliana! Are you ready?!" my best friend/roommate yells from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Yes, almost, leave me alone. I'm having a moment here." I look at myself in the mirror once again and give myself two thumbs up on my eyeliner game.

"Well, hurry the hell up. We're late!"

I open the door and yell out, "Alexis, calm down! We are good, I promise. Oh...nice shirt," I say when I see she's wearing a black tank top with all of our boys faces on it.

"Thanks! Now let's go!" We run out of our studio apartment and head into the harsh Texas heat. I hate Texas heat. It's the reason we stay indoors in all possible situations. We get into my car and blast the AC. On our way to the venue, we blast 5SOS, of course.

After forty-five minutes of waiting in line, we finally head in and walk toward our seats. There are so many people here, it's crazy. Alexis is holding on to me with a tight grip. She hates crowds but she'd do anything for 5SOS, so here we are. We quickly find our seats and sit and wait once again for the show to begin, listening and dancing to the music they play.

"THANK YOU HOUSTON!" Luke screams, dragging out the 'o', through the mic.

"HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM...WE DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!" Michael yells! The crowd explodes. This has been the best day of my entire life. They are seriously saying they love us! Fangirl moment here. They have all done so good, words can't describe the pride we have in them. Alexis and I scream and jump. When the boys (cough) men (cough) leave the stage, I feel pure sadness. It can't be over, no way. I'm finding them. I grab Alexis and start walking as fast as I can to head out of the venue, dodging people walking and running in different directions.

"Eliana, what are you doing? You know I hate running! Slow down!" Alexis yells at me.

I turn back and tell her, "NO! We...I need to tell them something."

"What? Who?" She is looking at me like I've lost my mind. I shake my head and continue dragging her until we get to the car. Once I manage to get us out of the parking lot, I speed over to the venue and circle around the area.

"Oh my gosh, are we going to try to find 5SOS?" Alexis says looking over at me. "Yes," is all I say. I know the bus has to be here somewhere.

There. I spot the sleek gray and black tour bus behind the locked parking garage. I park my small Toyota across the street.

"Let's go," I say as I get out the car. Alexis rushes over to me, "You are completely insane and I love you." I smile at her and head over to the gate of the garage. Surprisingly, there are no other fans there and I'm starting to think maybe this was a bad idea. This is too easy.

As we walk up to the gate I hear, "Dude! That was such a badass show!"

"Yeah, it was, but I'm fucking hungry now."

"Oh, my God, is that them?" Alexis whispers. I squint and finally see the top of Luke's head. Four beautiful boys walk towards the tour bus and I yell out, "HEY!"

Michael turns his head and tilts his head to the side, "How did you find us?"

"I'm a spy. I get paid to find you," I stupidly say. I cough and whisper, "Just kidding."

Michael laughs out loud and turns back towards the bus, "Hey, do you want to go to IHOP?" I shout. He stops and slowly turns around, "What's IHOP?"

I giggle. Yes, giggle, how embarrassing is that? "International House of Pancakes. Basically bomb ass pancakes." He laughs that wonderful laugh of his and says, "Sure, you driving right?"

I'm speechless. He said yes. MICHAEL FUCKING CLIFFORD said yes! Okay, Eliana, get it together. Play it cool. I hear a squeal next to me. I turn and see Alexis with her eyes wide open and she's biting her lips so hard she draws blood. I pull on her and say, "Yes, I'll drive. Come on." He runs towards us and shouts, "Hurry!" I panic and let go of Alexis' hand and sprint for the car. Once inside, I scramble to start the car Alexis jumps in the front and Michael slams the back door. "GO, GO, GO!" He yells as he hits the back of my headrest.

I slam on the gas pedal abruptly and peel off. Michael starts laughing and Alexis has her head in between her knees. "What the fuck?!" She screams. Michael is still laughing and I turn around and say, "DUDE, WHAT THE HELL?!"

He is grabbing onto his stomach and laughing so hard tears come out of his eyes. "You. Just. Basically. Kidnapped. Me," he paused after every word to laugh more and catch his breath. "I'm. Not. Suppose. To. Leave." More laughter. I slam on the brakes and put the car into park and slowly turn around and say, "What do you mean you aren't suppose to leave?"

He stops laughing gradually and says, "Security feels like they're our daddies and we can't go anywhere without them. I say fuck them. Come on, let's go get these bomb ass pancakes."


A/N :

Song: Fast In My Car - Paramore

Hi. If anyone is reading this omg thank you so much.

I love 5SOS.

Like I can't with them sometimes.

-addict ❌

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