Ch. 4 - Winky Face

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The week leading up to the TCA's went by quickly. I'm a logistics manager at a warehouse and the days come and go there. Yeah sounds boring but it gets the bills paid.  Alexis is an author so she spends her days writing and publishing her own work. My stable salary covers the remaining amount if there comes a time when she can't pay all of her share. We met back in high school in a life skills class. I was a senior and she was a sophmore. This girl got me on all levels and we quickly became close friends.

Once I graduated, I moved into a shady one bedroom apartment and she asked to come with. Her parents didn't give a damn about her so she moved in with me the summer before her junior year. And here we are, five years later in a two bedroom condo, living the dream. Okay, not exactly living the dream, but we are comfortable and able to pay bills and that's good enough for us.

On Thursday night I receive a text from Michael.

MIKEY! // hey did you get the email?

me// yes. thanks for everything once again.

MIKEY! // you need to stop saying thanks over and over again. I

want you to come so thank you for coming.

me// that's what she said.

MIKEY! //LOL! I'm trying to be serious over here and you over there being nasty.

me // ahhh you know you like it. you don't have to lie.

MIKEY! // ;)

"Winky face? What the hell?" I groan looking at my phone. Alexis turns to look at me from the couch.

"What are you bitching about now?" She says smirking. I flick her off and show her the text messages from Michael. "OoOo winky face. I like it." She hands me back my phone. "So I repeat, what are you bitching about?"

"Why would he put just a winky face. Is he flirting back? Cause I'm clearly trying to flirt over here. Or is he trying to dismiss me casually?" I say while getting up and going to the kitchen. I grab two bottles of water and walk back over to the living room. I hand one to Alexis and sit down.

"Thanks. I say he's a guy and guys don't know anything. And he's probably freaking out that you are actually flirting with him. Yes, I know he's a rock god but come on, you aren't so bad yourself."

"Yeah, thanks." I say sarcastically. "That doesn't answer shit. You can't say he's freaking out that I'm flirting and rock god in the same damn sentence, it doesn't work."

She starts laughing and shrugs her shoulders. "Stop being a child. You are a twenty-three year old woman, own that."

"That reminds me, I still say we are too damn old for the TCA's."

"Hey, now I'm only twenty-one." she pauses and looks up. "Yeah, we are too old but who cares? We'll get to see them again!"

"True. Now should I text him back?" I look at her for guidance. I'm expecting a good pep talk on all the reasons I should and to just take the plunge. You know, something to build up my confidence.

This bitch says, "Girl, didn't I just tell you to stop being a child? Do whatever you want? Jeez, get your life together." She dodges my hand as I try to hit her and stands up and starts laughing hysterically. "Goodnight!" she screams cheerily as she heads to her room.

I groan. Why am I overthinking this? I'm not texting back. I can be quite stubborn and if he just wants to text a winky face, I'll leave him hanging. God, I am so immature. Whatever.


Boarding the plane Saturday afternoon, I feel nervous. We are going to the TCA's, but not just as something to do but as a guest of 5SOS. What is this life? What is air?

Alexis and I are totally wearing pajamas right now, it's not even funny. I would have worn my onesie but Alexis said I was pushing it. And a little fun fact about me is that I hate flying. Planes are not my friend and I would rather die but once again, Alexis told me to stop being a child. Isn't she wonderful?

"I'm going to need, like hella shots please." I tell the flight attendant.

She looks at me weird and says, "What kind ma'am? And may I see your ID, please?" I smile. Well, damn. People still ask for my ID, that's awesome. I hand her my ID and say, "Whiskey, please." She pours the liquor into a glass and hands it to me, "Here you go. There's enough in there to fill three shot glasses. That will be fifteen dollars."

"Damn," Alexis whispers. I hand the lady the money and chug my drink. It's really strong but so worth it. I cannot be sober on this plane ride. I make sure to order another.


"Wake up, dammit." I feel Alexis, shaking my shoulder. What is happening? I feel like I'm floating. I look over to Alexis and smile.

"Oh, no. No, no, no. You are not drunk. You can't be; it's been almost four hours since you had those drinks."

"Are we there yet?" I say while rubbing her cheek. She slaps my hand away.

"Yes. Now get the hell up. We're the last ones here." I look around and sure enough the plane is empty. Well good, I don't like people anyway. I slowly get up and I feel my head spinning. "Let's go." Alexis says, nudging me. I grab my carry on bag and head out the plane. We didn't check any bags so we head straight outside to wait for the Uber we scheduled. I am so drunk, I need sunglasses but I wear glasses so I'm stuck with the piercing LA sun murdering my eyeballs.

"Get it together, Eliana." I hear Alexis say with an attitude.

"What? I'm not doing anything," I say laughing.

"You are dancing to absolutely nothing."

"I have Escape Route stuck in my head. Jeez, let me jam."

"I hate when you jam without me." Is that sarcasm I hear? No can't be.

"Aww! I love you!" I say, hugging her.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too. Come on, Uber's here." We get into the car and while we pass by all the LA scenery, I can't help but to think. Holy shit! We are going to see 5SOS again! And OMG I'm going to get to see Michael's fine ass again. Wow, I really need to sober up. But then again I might need some more liquid courage.




If you are reading this thank you so MUCH! I really appreciate it! And don't worry it'll get juicer and smuttier as the chapters come up. I know that is what y'all want!!!!

Please comment it would be much appreciated!

Does anyone else HATE that damn winky no words after it, no following text, no nothing.  Like I'm a blunt person if I want it I'll let you know and if you want this let me know and we can arrange something. LOL!!! Yeah I hate the winky face emoji. <<<<< fuck you.

Song: Escape Route by Paramore // because I was jamming to it and then I put my character jamming to it, so you should jam to it ;)


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