Ch. 2 - Confessions at IHOP

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Finally arriving to our destination, we all get out of the car and Michael's phone is still blowing up. "Are you going to answer that?" I whisper. "No," he snaps.

"My bad, no need for the attitude," I say, rolling my eyes. Alexis slaps my arm and gives me a warning glare. "Don't be rude," she whispers. I shrug my shoulders. I don't care, attitude is something I do not stand.

"No attitude here, just frustration," he says, looking at me with apologetic eyes.

We walk into the cool building and the hostess leads us to a booth. Alexis and I sit beside each other and Michael stays standing. "So no one is sitting by me? I'm suppose to sit on this side all by myself?" he says, smirking. I look up at him and shrug, "I mean, if you want to sit by us come on this side." He plops beside me and makes me scoot over so Alexis is pressed against the wall, I'm in the middle, and Michael is sitting with one leg hanging off the bench.

I start laughing and say, "This is not going to work." I push him off so he falls on his butt and slide out of the booth. I move to the other side and say, "now you can pick."

Alexis starts coughing and says, "I suggest you sit by me; she hogs elbow space." I turn to her and gasp, "Wow. Confessions at IHOP, huh? What else do you have to tell me?"

Michael laughs and sits by Alexis. "I like my elbow space." Alexis sticks her tongue out at me with a smirk on her face. The waitress comes by, we order twelve pancakes with extra whipped cream on the side.

"Well, I hope these pancakes are as good as you say they are because I'm in deep shit," Michael says while looking at his phone. "What do you mean?" I ask curiously. "Luke just texted me and said that management is done with me, whatever that means." He puts his phone on the table and looks over at Alexis. "So did you like the show today?"

Before she could reply, I blurted, "They can't be done with you. You are one out of four in the band. Who the hell do they think they are? You are a grown ass man. Whatever, we'll bribe them with pancakes. Problem solved." Michael is looking at me with amusement. "Bribe them? I think that might work but no one likes pancakes. They do like waffles though." I look over at Alexis and we both say in unison, "WAFFLE HOUSE!"

"Yous have the weirdest places here," he says while shaking his head. I'm dead with his Australian accent. I groan internally.

"Oh, and by the way, yes, the show was amazing!" Alexis says. "I can't believe I was able to witness such an amazing set, and I'm extremely sad it's over and I wish I could rewind the day and oh God, I'm blabbing." She puts her head down and groans.

Michael laughs and pats her back, "It's alright, I wish I could rewind the day too. You guys were amazing." Alexis and I start giggling. Okay, what is up with the giggling today? I feel my ears turning red and I get up and go to the restroom.

This moment is so surreal for me; I can't process it. Once in the restroom, I look at myself in the mirror and sure enough my ears are red and my face looks like I've done two laps around a track: red and sweaty. When the hell did I start sweating? I turn the water on and splash water onto my face. It's a good thing I only wear waterproof eye makeup because if not I would look like a raccoon right now.

When I head out the restroom, I see that the pancakes were given to us already and the inconsiderate animals already made a dent in the stack. There's only three pancakes left. "Well damn, thanks for saving me some." I said while plopping myself onto the booth. "You took forever in the restroom and we were hungry," Alexis says in between bites, "and besides, I only ate two, Michael over here scarfed down seven."

Michael looks up from his plate. "I'm a growing boy. What can I say? And you were so right these pancakes are amazing!" I stared at him. Growing boy. More like a grown ass man.

A perfect grown ass man. That perfect Adam's apple. His perfect red lips. His perfect green eyes. His perfect laugh. "Eliana!" Alexis shouts, waving her hand in my face.

I jump and say, "What?" She is looking at me with amusement. "You're staring." I look over to Michael and he's sitting back against the booth with a smirk on his face. "Like what you see?" I open my mouth and then smile. "Yes," I decided to say boldly.

Alexis squeals. Michael laughs. And I'm totally embarrassed. "Come on, let's go get these waffles," he says standing up. He drops some money on the table and I grab it and hand it back to him. "Hell no, you aren't paying; I got it." He tilts his head to the side. "Why?" I grab the remaining pancakes and put it in the to-go box the waitress sat on the table and head over to the register. I turn to look back and say, "because I like what I see."

He laughs once again and grabs my arm. "Thanks." He kisses me on my forehead and walks out the building with Alexis. Oh, my God, that did not just happen. Still mentally fangirling, I hand my card over to the register lady and she smiles at me. I'm completely freaked out that I almost left my pancakes and card with her. "Miss!" A voice calls after me. Looking at my empty hands, I realize what I forgot. I turn around and smile, "Oh, yeah. Sorry, thanks," I say while grabbing my stuff and walk out into the humid night feeling like nothing can drag me down tonight.



Whaddup 1D reference!!! *iisuperwomanii voice* Hellz yeah, man :) *starts singing Drag Me Down and jamming...and dies*

Moral of the story: do not get attached to any band *cough* 5sos *cough* because you will get pregnant. and die.

That picture though! *Michael STAAHHHPPP!!! I know it's not pancakes but who the hell cares.

Okay weird A/N sorry it's hella late and I ate a late dinner. Full+Tired=Delusional

okay bye. thanks for reading :)


Song: Midnight Memories - One Direction

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