Ch. 6 - Mighty Fresh

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I'm awaken by an obnoxious pounding at the door. My body feels stiff and hot. I try to move my legs but something is on it. Better yet, someone. Michael has his whole bottom half of his body on top of my legs. How did we end up like this? And why is Calum and Luke comfortable on the big ass bed and we're cramped up on the couch. I push Michael from on top of me and go over to the door.

"What?!" I say groaning. My head is pounding and my body feels heavy.

Ashton moves past me in a rush. "Guys, get the hell up," he calls out. "We have a 7am call time!"

He goes to the bed and removes the covers from the two guys. They start groaning obscenities.

"What did y'all do last night?" Alexis whispers. All I remember is making a pit stop and buying a lot of beer and going back to the room. I look around the room and sure enough it's trashed.

"Beer and pizza," I tell her. Well, she looks like she got a good night's rest. I smile at her and wiggle my eyebrows. "Eh, something you gotta tell me?"

She looks at me with amused disgust, "You are nasty. I already know what you're thinking. And no we did not have sex. We talked. He's great," she says while watching Ashton trying to wake Michael up. I smile at her. She really likes him and I think he likes her too. Oh, my gosh, too cute.

Michael finally gets up. He rubs his face and messes with his hair. He gets up and goes into the bathroom. Ashton looks at the guys and shakes his head, "Guys, today is important. Let's go wash up." He is clearly agitated but trying to hold it together.

"Well, that's my cue see y'all later," I say, backing out of the room.

"Hell no, you suggested beer. You are coming with us," Michael says from the bathroom. I laugh and keep on walking through the door. "Don't make me call hotel security and have them kick you out of your room Eliana!" He says while coming out looking mighty fresh. How did he do that? He looks as if he slept for 8hrs on the world's best mattress. Jeez, I need like two aspirins, a big ass cheeseburger, and like three Red Bulls to start looking even half awake.

"You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" I say, looking around the room. Everyone has their head down. Awkward.

"Would you like to test it?" He says, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. What a cocky little shit.

"I don't care what you do, Michael. I'm going to sleep." I turn around and walk towards the elevator. "I'll meet you guys downstairs." I hear Michael say. Next thing I know he grabs my arm and spins me around.

"Eliana, stop being stubborn. Come with us. Please." His green eyes captivate me. He could ask me to do anything right at this moment and I would do it. "Damn you and your eyes, Michael." I say while pulling from his grip. "Can I at least go change and brush my teeth?"

"You don't have to ask me to do anything. Do what you want." He says smirking.

I roll my eyes, "Ha. Ha. Ha. Hilarious."

Once we get into my room, I grab some shorts and a white tank top. I hop into the shower and I hear Michael yell, "I was not told a shower was being taken!"

"I don't have to tell you anything!" I yell back. I quickly get out and change, throwing on a flannel on top of the tank. I brush my teeth and decide to let my hair air dry. I come out of the bathroom and Michael is laying on my bed. From the looks of it, he's knocked out. I put on my red chucks and sit beside Michael.

I can't help but to touch his cheek, "Wake up." I whisper.

He grunts but smiles, "Mmh, I could get used to being woken up like this." I laugh and go to stand up but he grabs me around the waist and brings me down onto the bed. I now have Michael Clifford hovering over me just staring. I try to push him off but he's strong.

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