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"Lou, Louis." You say shaking his arm trying to wake him up.

"Mmmmm." He groans rolling over.

"Louis William Tomlinson!" You shout. He shoots up. You can't help but smile.

"What's wrong?" He says turning on the light beside the bed.
"I'm having cravings." You smile shyly. He chuckles.

"What is it Sweetheart?" He asks rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Macaroni and cheese." You reply.

"We don't have that?" He asks.

"No, we had it for dinner last night." You reply.

"Okay." He replies standing up and throwing some sweat pants and a sweatshirt.

"And ice cream, chocolate ice cream." You add.

'Anything else?" He chuckles grabbing his phone and wallet.

"And a really big pickle." You smile.

"Don't tell me that goes together." He say putting on his black converse and flipping hair from his face so he could put a beanie on,

"It's what baby Tommo wants not me." You defend. He leans across the bed giving you a kiss.

"One more." He smiles as you give him another kiss. You smile again as grabs his keys and leaves. You then follow him in your black spandex and Louis's shirt. You sit at the table getting out a bowl, You look over at the time. 2:09 AM. You sit and wait for him to come back which didn't take long. As soon as he steps in the door you wrap your arms around him. He sets the bags down, and holds you.

"What's up sweetheart?" He asks.

"Nothing, just i have the best husband ever." You smile looking up at him.

"I have the best wife ever." he smiles kissing your nose. "Beautiful, smart, cheeky, pretty eyes, funny, and best of all carrying our little Tommo." He adds. You blush as he gives you another kiss on the nose. You then sit at the table taking out scoops of ice cream as Louis makes the mac and cheese for you. While you are making everything you are eating the giant pickle. He sits with you as you eat your desired meal, he just eats some Oreos and seems happy.


"I'll have just the nachos." Harry says handing the waiter his menu.

"And for you ma'am"

"I'll have your burrito but can I have minus tomatoes and add pickles with chicken and like extra extra extra cheese please." You smile handing over your menu.

"Pickles?" Harry asked chuckling at your choices.

"What? It's the baby not me." You smile feeling your cheeks turn red. "The thing i crave most is cheese. I hate cheese, but that is all that i want anymore is cheese, like I could eat a block of it." You laugh at what you just said. Harry does the same. He grabs your hands from across the table giving them a kiss. You giggle as the waiter comes out with your food, and you eat your pickle cheesy burrito in peace.


"Hey Boo." Liam says taking off his coat and sitting next to you at the table. "Whatcha eatin?" He asks confused at your choices.

"Oh I call it a Doritreo." You smile taking a bite of your sandwich cookie.

"What's in it?" He asked looking at the orange red thing in the middle.

"I tore apart an Oreo ate the frosting and the filled it with a Dorito. I've had like eight already." You laugh at yourself. And make one for Liam. He takes a bite. As soon as he did he shakes his head. You open your mouth and he puts the rest cookie in your mouth you laugh giving him a kiss.

"That's, no just no." He replies getting a glass of water to rinse out the cheesy chocolate taste.


"Princess?" Niall asks coming down the stairs.

"Hey Ni." You smile at him a hand on your hip at the stove.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking at the clock that said 3:01 am.

"I wanted pancakes." You smile as he comes behind you giving you a kiss on the cheek and grabbing the carton of milk and drinking from it. He chuckles at you.

"At three in the morning?"

"Baby can't wait til morning." You giggle, as he gets down two plates.

You give the two plates a pancake each the size of the plate.

"You are great at making pancakes." He smiles giving you another kiss on the cheek. You smile sitting at the bar pouring syrup and spreading butter on your giant pancake. Niall does the same but skips the butter. You go into it cutting the pancake and shoving a piece in your mouth. Niall can't but look at you.

"What?" You ask.

"You are just so beautiful." He smiles leaning over and kissing you again.

"I love you!" You smile.

"Love you too Princess." He smiles.

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