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Louis: (his pov)
I plop myself down in the couch taking a drink of my water and opening Twitter.
"Lou." I hear my wife call coming down the stairs she plops herself next to me and leans her head on my shoulder.
"Baby what's wrong?" I ask.
"Lou I'm spotting." She sobs.
"Uh do you want to wait or go to the hospital?" I ask. She looks up at me. I wipe tears from her eyes. Tears from my eyes threatening to fall I fight them back and just rub her arm taking s deep breath.
"What if something wrong with Landon?" She asks.
"We should go baby." I say grabbing her coat and putting it around her I called the hospital as we got in the car and drove there. My wife held my arm all the way and into the hospital.

"Your fine it isn't heavy and the baby is going to be okay we just want to keep you over night to make sure it doesn't continue." The doctor smiles. I give Y/N a huge kiss and sigh of relief. 
"Are you alright baby?" Harry asks you brushing hair from your eyes on the couch.
"I don't feel good haz." You start. Harry gives your temple a kiss.
"Let's get you upstairs." He says. You groan and sit up. He feels your forehead. "You're hot." He replies. You stand with the help of Harry. He picks you up bridal style and carries you upstairs and into your bedroom. He lays you down taking off your shoes and covering you up with the blankets.
"Oh god." You start you sit up and throw up your lunch on Harry's  shirt. "Haz I'm so sorry." You sob.
"Baby it's okay I promise." He says giving you a kiss on your forehead.
"What if it's the baby?" You worry.
"It will be okay I'm sure she's fine." Harry replies but you know he doesn't know that because you saw tears forming in his eyes. Harry takes off his shirt and lays behind you.
"Just get some rest baby." You nod as you close your eyes. You wake up the next morning with Harry still by your side.
Harry stands kneeling in front of you.
"How do you feel baby?" He asks.
"Better." You reply. He smiles with a sigh of relief.
"Li I feel really dizzy." Y/N says leaning against the door for support. I stand up off the bed and come over to her just as she falls into my arms. I quickly call for an ambulance.
They get here soon and try to get her conscious again.
"Oh god no I can't loose you guys." I whisper holding my wife's hand as I do. She soon returns to consciousness. I sigh in relief.
"What happened?" She asks as I pull her in for a huge hug.
"Blood couldn't get across to the baby making her pass out but her and the baby are fine now." The ambulance replied packing everything up and leaving. I hold my wife for a long time before taking her back to bed.
"Ni I'm kinda worried I haven't felt the baby kick all day." You say coming into the bathroom where Niall was brushing his teeth. He spit out the left over toothpaste and rinsed his mouth. "If they don't kick tonight then we'll call the doctor in the morning." Niall replied a hand on your stomach. You nod as Niall pulls you in for a hug "I'm sure they're okay." He comforts while he holds you before you crawl into bed and fall asleep. You awake the next morning panicked. You shake Niall awake.
"Ni they still haven't kicked." You say. He sits up a hand on your belly.
"Not at all?" He asks.
"No." You reply leaning into him.
"Please please kick for your daddy?" You beg your unborn baby. It took a few minutes but soon You feel a flutter. "Ni!" You sit up guiding his hand. You feel it again. Niall sighs in relief.
I'm so sorry this sucked so bad I promise the next will be better thanks for reading again and I'll see you in the next part!!!
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