Pregnancy class

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"I think you're enjoying this more than I am." You laugh at Louis is who also on a yoga ball bouncing up and down.
"We need one of these." He chuckles holding your hands as the teacher had instructed. You can't help but smile picturing Louis sitting in the living room with baby Landon in his arms on a yoga ball.
"Fathers stand behind your partner and slowly move them from the waist down in circles this will help move the baby down lower." The teacher says. Louis stands behind you as you roll the ball in slight circles as Louis rubs circles into your lower back.
Harry sits behind you two hands on your bump. Your legs are spread apart on the yoga mat.
"Comfort her make sure she will be comfortable during birth it can be stressful." The teacher says to you. Harry kisses behind your ear rubbing circles in the small of your back.
"I'm so scared to go into labor." You blurt to Harry.
"I'll be there I promise we'll do this together baby girl." He comforts.
"Keep trying different positions and find one that works best for the mother." The teacher instructs. You wrap your arms around Liam's neck and sitting down in an invisible chair. He whispers something making you giggle.
"I don't like that one." You say. He nods in response. You lay down on the couch getting in a comfortable position. He whispers again making you giggle.
"Li!" You whisper as he leans in giving you a kiss. You look over to the couple across the room and like their position. You get on your knees leaning yourself on the couch. He whispers again.
"Li! This is suppose to be serious." He smiles giving you another warm kiss.
Niall wraps the plastic doll into the blanket.
He whispers to himself all the instructions.
"Very good Mr. Horan!" The teacher exclaims checking his work. He smiles. You lightly shove him leaning your head on his shoulder.
"Your turn." He says taking the blanket off. Your eyes get wide.
You take the blanket setting the Doll in it. You wrap one side over and then next tucking it in at the side then loosening it. "Not too tight." You whisper. Niall smiles planting a kiss on your temple.
"I knew you'd be a great mother." He smiles.

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