Labor and delivery part 2

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You grasp Louis shirt as you feel another contraction.
"Shh it's okay baby." He comforts.
"Lou!!" You sob your stomach getting hard with the contraction.
"I know, I know." He say giving your temple a kiss.
"I can't! I can't!" You sob again.
"Yes you can baby I know you can." He consoles. "Breathe just like the classes." He adds. He wipes away your tears as you start to breathe deeply. He breathes with you still wiping your tears.
"That's it." He says. You start to feel the contraction fade. The doctor walks in checking your stats.
"You are 8 centimeter dilated so let me get ready and we are going to deliver a baby." He smiles leaving again. You smile at Louis who was also smiling.
"We're having a baby." He smiles giving your temple a kiss. You stop smiling feeling another contraction. You do the same as the doctor comes in again. You turn laying on your back. Louis stands. A nurse grabs your leg and Louis grabs the other the doctor siting in front of you.
"Okay start pushing. You lean your head in your chest pushing down.
"Good job keep going." A nurse says.
"I can see the head." He says. Louis brushes hair from your eyes.
"Good job baby girl almost there to meeting our Landon." He says as you let out another push.
"One more!" The doctor encourages. You take in a big breath and let out another push. You hear a crying baby. And the little boy is sat on your chest. You look up at Louis who had tears rushing down his cheeks. The nurse hands Louis the scissors to cut the cord. He does as he is told and the nurse cuts it off and takes the baby away to clean him up. Soon they bring you back your little boy and let you hold him. As soon as he is put in your arms he stops crying.
"He knows it's you." Louis smiles giving you a kiss. He smiles planting another one on little Landon's head.
You sit on the yoga ball arms wrapped around Harry's arms as you feel a contraction.
"Oh god." You sob. Harry hushes you wiping tears from your cheeks.
"It's okay baby. You are so much closer." He says rubbing circles in your back.
You lightly nod hopping this is the last one. You stand as the contraction fades and lay on the bed.
A midwife comes in.
"Here's your water. Let me see how far dilated you are." She smiles putting on a glove and feeling between your legs.
"I can feel her. I think you're ready to deliver." She smiles. Harry puts more pillows behind your head. You sit your legs up feeling another contraction.
"Okay push now!" She says. You build up the energy and let out a push.
"Uhh." You groan as you let out a second push. The midwife starts to count to ten.
"Almost there. Let out one more." She says. You take a breath and let out one more push. The room fills with the screams of your little girl. You gasp and they set her in a towel on your chest. Tears fill your eyes and rush down your cheeks.
"We are going to love you and take care of you." Harry smiles wiping a tear from his cheek. You smile reaching up and giving him a kiss.
"Oh Ellie!" You gasp wiping her down the best you could as the nurse starting to clean her up for you two.
Liam is kneeling beside you on the couch.
"She is ready so let's get her in the bathroom and in the shower." The midwife says. Liam and her help you up and off the couch and up the stairs. Liam turns the shower on. He helps get you undressed and into the shower. You grip Liam's shoulder as you feel a contraction.
"I can't do this." You groan feeling the pressure lower.
"Boo you can. You started it and now you can finish it." He says kissing your forehead. You nod taking deep breaths with Liam. The warm water trailed down your back and helped to relieve the pain. He rubs circles in your bare back.
"You are doing so good boo." He says continuing to rub. He wipes your salty tears away.
"I think you are ready to have this baby." The midwife smiles. You sigh in relief and Liam's helps you in a comfortable position. Liam still rubs your back and holds you hand.
"Let out a push for me." She says. You take a deep breath and let out a push.
"Good job boo." Liam says.
You groan letting out another one. The midwife counts up to ten and you take a breath but keep going.
Liam continues to rub your back and hold you hand encouraging you.
"One more should do it." She says. You let out a yell and one more push.
The bathroom is filled with the cries of your newborn baby girl Alissa. Liam has tears already falling down his cheeks and so do you. The water from the shower starts to clean Alissa.
"We are going to love you and spoil you and teach you everything you need to know." Liam smiles giving her head a kiss.
You groan as you feel another contraction.
"It's okay Y/N." Your sister comforts as you arrive at the hospital and they help you into bed.
You grab your phone as it fades and dial Niall's number quickly.
Niall quickly answers.
"Princess?" He asks tears already in his voice.
"We're here Ni." You say another contraction coming,
"I'm on the plane now we just took off." He says you can hear his tears.
"Ni just please get here soon. I need you here." You groan crying as another contraction comes. The doctor comes in. And feels between your legs.
"Your already 6 centimeters dialated."
"Ni I'm six centimeters." You repeat as the contraction grows stronger.
"Don't hang up. Please princess."
"I won't." You say as your sister gives you more pillows.
Four hours Later
You hung up with Niall almost an hour ago and still haven't heard from him.
The doctor comes in again for the last time.
"We better get you in the pool your almost nine centimeters." He says.
"Please can we just wait." You groan your contraction getting stronger.
"I'm sorry but we can't we have to do this now."
"Please my husband isn't here yet." You grip at the pillow for comfort wishing he was there.
"We can't I'm sorry." He repeats. You sigh heavily through the contraction as your sister helps you stand. The door flings open to a breathless Niall he takes your sisters place.
"Ni!" You sob. He wraps his arms around you sobbing as well.
"I'm so sorry princess." He sobs.
"Ni it's okay." You sigh relieved he's here. He gives you another kiss before turning and helping you to the pool and helping to get you in the water. The water automatically soothes you. Niall kneels beside you. "I'm here now Princess." He smiles kissing your head.
"Okay start pushing now." The doctor says. You let out a push. You take a breath then let out another one. And four pushes later the doctor had put a baby boy on your chest. Niall cuts the cord and gives you a kiss.
"A little boy." Niall smiles tears in your eyes.
"A mini Niall." You giggle tears falling from both your cheeks.
"I love you." Niall smiles giving you a kiss on the head. "I love you too Tyler." He smiles giving your little crying boy a kiss on the head.
Hey guys I had so much writing this story and I hope you had fun reading it if you want a baby series tell me and I will make one! Please vote it means the world to me and comment it also means the world to me!!!!

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