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"Louis we're going to be late!" You call as you grab the keys.

"Coming!" He yells back running down the stairs. He stops as he stares at you.

"What?" You ask your cheeks turning red.

"You're showing." He smiles coming over and putting a hand on your belly that showed through your tight black dress.

"I know I feel like it came out of nowhere." You giggle putting your hand on his.

"It's beautiful, this just made it so much more real." He smiles giving you a kiss.

"I know it's actually happening we are actually having a baby." He leans down placing a kiss above your belly button and another one on your lips.

"I love you both so much." He smiles.

"We love you to."

Harry: (His POV)

"Y/N?" I called searching for my wife through the house. I run up the stairs two steps at a time. I find her laying down in our bed fast asleep. I smile at the picture. My eyes stop when I see her hand on her belly. That's when I see it. A bump, a baby bump. My returns smile even bigger than before I sat in front of her at the edge of the bed brushing hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. I put my hand where hers is, and gave her baby bump a kiss. We are having a baby. There is a baby in this bump. Her eyes flutter open and her lips form a smile when she saw me. "Hey baby girl."

"Hi." She whispers groggily. I lean over giving her a kiss. "Watcha doing?" She asks.

"Admiring our baby." I reply giving her another kiss before i kick my shoes off and lay down behind her. She bites her bottom lip as she curls into me and lays her head on my chest and before i knew it she was fast asleep in my arms again.

Liam: (His POV)

"Come in the water's warm." I smile at my wife who was standing by the pool with a pink bathing suit cover up on.

"It looks cold." She says setting her phone down on the patio table.

"It's warm, I promise."

She sighs slipping off her dress. My smile fades when I see her belly.

"What?" She asks still standing more insecure since she took off her coverup.

"Your bump." I say my smile returning wider than before.

"I know." She smiles sitting beside the pool and dipping her feet in. I swam over and put my hands over her smaller ones. She giggle at my wet cold hands. "It is too cold." I chuckle at her.

"I can't believe there is a baby in there." I say

"It's crazy." I pick her up at the waist and sit her in the pool. "Liam this is freezing!" She yells falling into my arms. I laugh and squeeze her tight.
"You wouldn't have come in on your own."


"Get a little closer Niall." His mum says as you take a family photo for the last day Niall's family will be in London. Niall then takes a step closer to you. Maura sets the camera and runs to her spot next to her husband you all smile as the photo is taken. His mum picks up the camera and admires the pictures Niall is standing behind her looking at the picture as well. He turns to look at you as if he's never seen you before.
"What's wrong Ni?" You ask. He rests a hand on your small bump.
"I didn't even notice it this morning." He smiles.
"My bump?" You ask putting your hand on his. He nods giving your forehead a kiss.
"I can't Believe I didn't notice it." He chuckles at himself. You stand on your tip toes giving him a kiss and leaning your head on his chest.
"I noticed it." You giggle. His smile gets even wider at what you said and wraps his arms around you giving the top your head a kiss.

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