The Nursery

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"Love?" You hear a voice call lightly shaking you from your sleep. You roll over smiling as you realize it's your husband. "Hi." He says reaching down a giving you a kiss.
"Hey." You smile rubbing sleep from your eyes you sit up in bed and look over at the time. 7:13 pm. You turn back to Louis and notice he is covered in baby blue paint.
"It's finished." Louis announces. You stand as he takes your hand leading you to the room he was making into the nursery which was right across from your room. You smile as you see the walls are now painted baby blue with white clouds. He also had moved the crib in that you just bought recently. It was a white crib sitting by the door against the wall. You fall into his arms smiling.
"I love it Lou." You whisper as he wraps his arms around you as two swayed.
"What about the bookshelf?" Harry asks setting a dark wood bookcase on the floor.
"Umm over there." You point to the far side of the room that was painted last week baby pink. You turn continuing to fold baby clothes. Harry came up behind you leaning down to the floor where you were sitting criss cross apple sauce and gives you a kiss on the back of the neck. You giggle as he leaves to go get boxes. He comes back minutes later with a box full of bedding and other decorations. You stand as you finish your job and start filling the bookshelf with books that your mum and Anne gave you guys from when you were kids.
Hours later you are finally done. You just wanted to hang the mobile above Elena's crib. You pick it up from the box it was decorated with fairies and tiaras and princesses. You smiles as Harry finished hanging the hook you hang it up and then lean back into Harry as he wraps his arm around you admiring your work.
You dip your paint roller into the pink paint and start rolling the stripes on the wall next to the light purple ones.
"I can finish boo." Liam says rolling the wall next to yours.
"I wanna help Li." You reply getting more paint to finish your last stripe on that wall.
"I just don't want you to get to tired or worn." He says kissing your cheek from behind.
"I'll be fine I promise." You reply taking a step back to look at the wall you turn to sit your roller in the paint. You sigh putting a hand on your belly.
"Liam finishes his wall and comes up behind you putting his hand over your smaller one.
"I love it." You sigh leaning back into Liam.
"Me too. I'll go get the fans." He says giving you a kiss on the head before turning and going out the door. You open the windows and let some air in to help dry the paint you move one fan to another wall and start taking care of the paint. Liam comes back in with two more fans putting them in front of the other walls. He takes the paint brushes from your hands. "I got this, go rest boo." He says giving you a kiss. You nod and waddle into your room happily laying down with a good book.
You can't help but laugh at the boys who are putting together the crib.
"No that's the wrong piece!" Louis says the instructions in hand.
"No it's the right one, trust me." Niall says screwing the screw into the socket to the dark wood crib. You giggle as you hear a screech. He unscrews it.
"That's the wrong piece." You turn your attention to the nursery Niall you and the boys put hard work into, Zayn had done a mural on the back green walls of a cartoon jungle. All the furniture was dark wood and had jungle animals all over the pieces, decorating the room all with stuffed animals and a jungle mobile hung over the spot where the crib was going to go when they figured it out.
"I have lunch." You say snapping yourself out of your thoughts. Niall looks up as they groan and give up and take a break eating the sandwiches you had ready in the kitchen.

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