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Original A/N: Hello my lovelies ! It's been soooo long since I last updated and for that I am so very sorry ! But I'm here and I'm back and more dedicated then ever and guess what! This story? There's a sequel in the works! So stay with me my loves!
"If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me? And if I seemed dangerous, would you be scared?" - Monster by Imagine Dragons
Stefan sighed, throwing his things in the back of Matt's truck, his mind running a mile a minute as he questioned just what exactly he was doing. Elena was determined to hunt down Damon and Katherine. She was convinced Damon was making the biggest mistake of his life and only she could save him from it.

He hadn't had the heart to tell her how ridiculous that was, he'd heard the conversation she and Damon had on the phone. Damon had been more than clear that whatever it was he'd had, whatever he'd been searching for, with Elena, was no longer what he wanted. He was done, as he put it.

Stefan had been both happy and sad about that..

He was happy, because if Damon was finally done with Elena, then maybe, he would finally be able to find happiness. He didn't understand why Elena was so upset at the thought of Damon moving on and falling back in love with Katherine. Though, admittedly, Katherine wasn't exactly Stefan's first choice for him either. She was reckless and heartless and cold and a terrible influence.

But the two shared a bond unlike anything Stefan had ever seen. They were like two sides of the same coin, like magnets. It was odd and a little breathtaking to watch them interact. They were like two predators..circling, dancing around each other, searching for each others weak spots. And when they found it they lunged, only to nip and tug but never fully clamp down.

They never went too far, never cut too deep into each other, they scratched the surface of each others most obvious flaws, but they never went too far below the belt.

Katherine was allotted a little more leeway though it seemed. She would scratch and claw and bite at Damon's deepest insecurities, rip and tear and shred into him, but it wasn't meant to actually hurt him. She was only trying to further scar the damaged tissue.

She would stalk around him, toy with him. Her harsh and seemingly careless words each perfectly constructed to cauterize his metaphorical wounds. It wasn't obvious to the people who didn't know, didn't understand them..but she wasn't actually trying to cause him more grief, she was only trying to stop the bleeding.

But while Stefan was happy for him, that he could finally have a chance at everything he wanted for 145 years, he was also a little worried, a little scared.

He'd become so accustomed to always having Damon around, to never having him be more than a short drive away. If Damon wanted nothing to do with Elena, and he finally got everything he truly wanted with Katherine..

What would that mean for the two of them?

"Elena don't you think this is a little.." Stefan paused watching as Elena approached the car with a bag bursting at the seems with random articles of clothing, "much?" he finished.

"I mean we could always talk to him when he gets back.." he said, trying to ignore the timid voice in the back of his mind whispering 'if he comes back'. Simply dismissing the shiver that ran down the back of his neck as him not being all too eager to talk to Damon about the letters he'd found hidden in a big black box with a lock on it, while snooping around in his closet, "It can wait.."

Elena shook her head at him, "No Stefan." she told him, "Damon needs our help, and he needs to talk to someone about what happened back there we need to know." she said, looking at Stefan, pure emotion in her eyes, "It's important."

Humanity's Epiphany {A Datherine lovestory}Where stories live. Discover now