Choices and Mistakes (who's to say they aren't the same?)

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"You still have all of me." My Immortal, Evanescence

Oh my goodness you guys, I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I updated smh, for some reason I only ever really work on this during summer..strange

But, whatever the reason, I'm back! Here's the next chapter and I hope you all enjoy!!!


It was short while of waiting before the tattooed boy returned, nodding his head backward at Katherine, a woman appearing a second later, stepping out from behind a curtain.

The woman froze, "Katherine." she breathed, wide eyed staring at Katherine as if she'd seen a ghost.
Katherine smiled at her, stepping forward, "In the flesh." she greeted, Marissa's head shaking as she tried to recompose herself.

"I didn't expect to see you.." she said slowly, "After the last time."

Damon looked between Marissa -he presumed- and Katherine curiously, sensing there was a story there that he wasn't privy to. He eyed the girl curiously, judging by her stiffness, he suspected it hadn't been a very happy ending, and he could easily guess which one of them was to blame for it.

"What are you doing here?" Marissa asked, her arms crossing suspicously.

Katherine smirked, "As it turns out, I need a favor." Marissa squinted at her, scoffing.

"Really." Marissa smiled doubtfully, shaking her head, "And what -dare I ask- could the great Katherine Pierce possibly need from me?"

Katherine smiled hopefully at her, taking a deep breath "What do you know about blood magic?"

Marissa blinked at her, a grave look flashing in her eyes as she swallowed, looking at the group of them thoughtfully before nodding her head toward the curtain she'd just walked through.
"Come with me." she told them, turning and walking off.

Katherine sighed heavily, moving to follow her when Damon caught her arm.

"What did she mean 'after last time'?" he asked her, a curious look in his eye. Katherine shrugged.

"You've got your secrets. I've got mine." she smiled, Damon frowning at her in confusion, about to open his mouth when Nadia interrupted.

"Uhm, I think I need some air." she announced, looking between the pair, Katherine's eyes narrowing when the younger Petrova turned to Charolette.

"Charolette, would you like to come along?" she offered, Charolette smiling at her, looking between her and Damon.

"Sure." Charolette nodded, Nadia smiling nicely back at her.

"We'll uh, be back later." she said awkwardly, giving Katherine a knowing look before ushering the smiling girl out of the shop.

Katherine smiled to herself, shaking her head as she chuckled. Nadia truly was her daughter. Damon turned back to her, a brow raised as he looked down at her suspiciously, "What was that about?" he asked.

"We should probably get in there." Katherine ignored him, walking around him to follow where Marissa had just gone, lifting the curtain to find a small back room littered with candles.

She looked around, her eyes flitting across discarded books and jars of herbs scattered about, her nose scrunching up in distaste. She looked at Marissa, smiling falsely, "Charming." she crossed her arms, "Now about-"

"Give me your hand." Marissa said cooly, Katherine turning her head at her, "Why?"

Marissa stayed silent, holding out her own hand expectantly. Katherine raised a brow, sharing a questioning glance with Damon, the elder Salvatore fidgeting when she complied, offering Marissa her hand slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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