Dark Paradise

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Hello my lovelies! I am so glad to see your reviews last chapter and I hope you will do the same for this one! I hope you enjoy this, though something tells me you might *winky face* haha well onto the chapter! Much love ! xxx
"Everytime I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise. No one compares to you, I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side. I don't wanna wake up from this tonight.." ~ Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey
Nadia sighed, her jaw clenching in frustration as she checked her phone again, hoping against all odds that a new message would somehow magically appear. She'd been so close, tracked her mother so far..then the trail had gone cold..again.

She found herself daydreaming as she continued on down the road, imagining who her mother must be, what she must look like. She already knew the woman wouldn't be the stereotypical motherly type. The things she'd done didn't suggest that she was particularly heartfelt or warm. But she was her mother after all, and if nothing else Nadia needed answers. She needed to know why..what had been so wrong that Katherine had abandoned her..

Nadia shook her head, nevertheless, she would need to be on her guard. Her mother was sneaky and cunning and after five hundred years of running, she most likely wouldn't take to being captured. She was a survivor and a compulsive liar, Nadia would have to be very careful pinpointing her down, she very well could try to impersonate her supposed doppelgänger.

Her doppleganger..Elena Maree Gilbert.

Elena was a year old vampire, roughly eighteen years old altogether and while having a striking resemblance to Katherine physically, she was evidently lacking in Katherine's signature flare. Judging from Nadia's research, they didn't seem to share much more than a face..

Suddenly her phone beeped, ripping her from her thoughts as she opened the message, smirking to her self at the cordinates. New Orleans?

Damon watched Katherine, a smile tugging at his lips as she swayed to the music, he had no idea how she'd talked the bartender into it, but somehow she had found herself atop the bar, dancing.

"Damon!" she hollered at him, a bright and cheery smile on her face, "Come here." she mouthed, crooking her finger and gesturing for him to come to her. Damon shook his head, his feet moving of their own accord as he walked over to her, Katherine crouching down to whisper in his ear, "Purple bag twelve o'clock," she told him, her voice sounding much more sober than her behavior as she took a man's drink, giving him a flirty smile as she sipped it.

Damon looked over in that direction, finding a beautiful brunette with straight brown hair and dark brown eyes. Damon immediately didn't like her, his face struggling not to scrunch up in distaste as the girl locked gazes with him, her cheeks tinting to a nice rosy color that made him hungry, his lips curling into a dark smile as he winked at her, watching with pride as she flitted her eyes away.

He looked up to Katherine, finding her looking back at him knowingly, a bottle against her lips as she took a swig of bourbon.

He wanted to destroy that girl, and she knew it.

"Hi." Damon said, appearing suddenly behind the startled brunette, her brown eyes wide as she uttered out a response, "H-Hi."

Damon smiled at her, scanning his eyes over her body, deciding she must really enjoy purple, seeing as her eyeshadow, bag and jewelry as well as he blouse were all different shades of it.

"I'm Damon." he told her, reaching out a hand for her to shake, he didn't need a fake name like Katherine did. He was still a vampire, and this girl wouldn't be around long enough for it to matter.

"Layna." she offered back, taking his hand and it took everything he had not to crush it in his grasp. Of course her name was Layna, why wouldn't it be.

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