Matters of the heart

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Original A/N: Hello my lovelies! I'm back with the next chapter and this ones a good one I hope! I hope you all enjoy and pls let me know what you think in the reviews! I love to hear from you guys each review makes my day! Much love! & thanks to all who read! xxx
"This is a modern fairytale, no happy endings, no wind in our sails. But I can't imagine a life without breathless moments breaking me down, down, down, down.." The heart wants what it wants by Selena Gomez
Stefan stood, mentally frozen as he tried to let it all sink in. Elena didn't love him..

Elena loved Damon.

"Stefan.." she said, her voice sounding as frail as he felt. No matter how many times the words ran through his brain, he couldn't make it stick. It was like every fibre of his being was rejecting the information. Refusing to believe something so..unbelievable.

"Stefan please.." she whispered, and it took him a second before he realized she was standing right in front of him, staring, a look of concern on her face and tears in her eyes. How long had they been standing here..?

"Stefan please say something.." she begged him, hands trembling as she went to put them on his face in attempt to free him from whatever trance he was currently in.

That seemed to wake him up, his own hands shooting up and catching her's by the wrist before she could touch him, "Don't." he demanded, his voice much harsher than any tone he'd ever used with her before, "Don't touch me.." he said, slightly softer.

Elena seemed wounded by that, her expression crumpling, but she obliged, moving her hands away, "Stefan please just-"

"Stop." he interrupted her, shaking his head, "Not here." he said.

He wasn't ready to have this conversation. Not now..not ever. But he needed answers, no matter how much it might destroy him, he owed it to himself.

"Meet me in the car." he told her, turning and walking away without another word, his heart breaking just a little bit more with every second he didn't hear a step behind him.
Damon put the key in the door, opening it and walking in, dumping the bags on the bed before running a tired hand over his face.

They'd finally made it to New Orleans. For now, they were holding up in some random motel he didn't bother remembering the name of. He hadn't even payed for the room, simply compelled the woman at the front desk to give him a key.

It didn't matter anyway, they wouldn't be here long. They just had to wait it out till morning and then they could go and find whatever witch Katherine needed to perform the spell. Piece of cake.

Damon turned around, his eyes widening as he saw Katherine lifting up one of the duffel bags, his attention locked on the dark purple bruises that now covered her shoulders and neck.

"Katherine." he said, startling her a bit as she looked up at him, the two of them staring at each other, "What?" she asked, causing him to pause in thought for a minute.

Katherine wasn't weak. She was one of the strongest people Damon had ever known and by far the strongest woman. She didn't need his coddling or to be frequently asked whether or not she was okay, not in a situation like this.

If she'd just been mauled by a werewolf, or had just barely escaped the clutches of Klaus, then she would accept it. The coddling and the questions.. She would accept it, offering a few snarky remarks to show her appreciation. Maybe even feel a little sore if she didn't receive them.

But she did not just get mauled by a supernatural killer with a poisonous bite. Nor had she almost lost a five hundred year battle against a psychopathic original vampire hybrid.

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