Chapter 16

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Authors note!!!!!!!

I am finally updating. Thank you to the people who have messaged me about the book. With the family issues I have been having and how my grades where last year my mom took my phone. BUT I have it back and I'm ready to update!'
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Jake's POV-

I sniffed the air as the rain slowly started to fall. Ben wanted to play hide and seek but in wolf form.
Bad part for me is 10 minutes after we started, so did the rain. I sniffed again and got a small hint of his scent coming from the north border.
I howled in victory and leaped off my rock to follow his scent trail.

You won't find me Ben said in my head

Says the person who didn't hide his scent fully I smirked.

Ben cut off the link real quick and put up a wall. Howled in laughter as his scent got stronger.
I slowed my pace as I neared the tree line. Bens scent was filling my snout. A tree branch snapped as a naked Ben stepped out of a tree. He looked his surroundings and took small slow steps out of the trees cover.
My special mate. Even he should know wolves can see him in the trees. I lowered my belly to the damp ground and waited for Ben. He looked left right and then behind him before taking a few steps.
I grinned as he was just a few feet away and launched at him. Ben screamed as I came in contact with him and he fell to his back. I shifted on top of him and smiled on in victory.

"Jerk" Ben grumbled.

"Bitch." I smirked

A smile spread across his handsome face as he brought his soft lips to mine. My hand caressed his cheek as heads are titled for more access.
Ben pulls away and smiles.

"Let's go another round!" He tries to say through a yawn.

"I think it's time for bed bunny." I smiled

"I'm not a bunny!" Ben whines
"Come on bunny. Let's get to bed." I smirked.

Ben growled at me before shifting and taking off to the pack house. Ben hit my shoulder and howled as we neared the house. Changing behind a tree, Ben stumbles out and yawned rubbing his eye like a little kid.

"Come on Benny. I'll carry you to bed."

Ben only nodded as I lifted him into my arms. As we climbed the stairs, my mother sent me a loving smile as I returned it. I kicked open and closed the door and set Ben on the bed.
I curled up behind him and pulled him to me.

"Goodnight bunny."

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