Chapter 12.

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Benjamin's POV-


I slowly fluttered my eyes open as the sun light crept into the room. The clock on the television read 9:15. I unrapped myself from Jake's grasp and walked into the bathroom. I turned the hot water on as high as i could stand it and stepped in. Washing away everything from bad memories and stench. I felt the curtain move causing me to jump. Jake hid his head in the crook of my neck and i felt him whine.

"You left me." He whined

"I'm only getting a shower Jakey. I was coming back." I whispered rubbing his back.

He squeezed me close. I felt his forehead and felt he was hotter then we should be. I turned the water off and pulled him out.

"Come on baby. You need to relax. I'm gonna call your mom and the docter." I whispered.

I led him to the bed and slipped on new boxers. I put on boxers, shorts and a tank top. I kissed his head and headed down stairs. I found his mother in the kitchen, baking goods for the pack.

"Mama J. I was wondering if you could check on Jake." I slightly whispered walking into the kitchen.

She turned and smiled sweetly at me," Of course hunny. Lead the way."

I led her upstairs to Jake and I's bedroom. He laid curled up to my pillow undor the blankets. She sighed and went to his side. She felt his forehead and kissed him.

"He'll be fine. He needs some rest. Stay with him so his wolf will be calm and I will be up to bring food for you both." She sighed smiling slightly

"Whats wrong with him?" I asked

"Alphs things stressing him out. His father got it ever so often. Let him sleep and his father and i will worry about things." She smiled.

I nodded and climbed into bed with him. She blew me a kiss and walked down stairs. Jake curled up next to me and whimpered.

'It hurts Benny." He whimpered.

"i know Jakey. I'm gonna make it all better. How about some movies and a nap?" I said kissing his head.

Jake nodded and whimpered. I kissed his lips gently and turned on netflix. When we found a movie, we curled up next to each other and into a nap.


short and boring, but little Jakey is sick.

More soon! im on a computer so its weird typing

LOVE YALL and thank you for so many read and votes!

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