Chapter 9.

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Benjamin's POV-

I stirred awake. warmth. That's what I felt. Two strong arms around my small body. Then the tingles came. Jake.

I turned to face him and nearly screamed likes girl at a band boy concert. He looked like a god. His chest raised as he took a breath. His hair lay in his eyes just a little. Shirtless, he laid, his muscles popping out next to the red blanket.

Jake slowly woke next to me. As soon as his eyes open he smiled. His arms tightened around me. His lips met mine in a soft gentle kiss. I smiled and snuggled close.

"You home safe now baby." he said still sleepy.

"Only for you." I whispered.

"I don't care what anyone says. I love you. It doesn't matter the time we have been together. Your amazing Benjamin. I don't want anyone else." He said sternly.

I looked down toward the mattress. Two fingers lifted my head up by my chin. I was met with jakes breath taking eyes. He smiled softly at me and missed my forehead.

"I love you baby." He whispered.

I searched his eyes. Trying to tell my wolf it maybe a lie but I couldn't find anything.

"I love you too jake." I whispered.

Jake's POV-

My heart swelled when he said it back. I smiled at him and lifted the covers.

"Time to get up sleepy boy. Your mom said she wants to speak with us all this morning." I smiled.

"I don't wanna go to my room and get changed." He whined.

"Then wear my cloths." I winked.

I found a hoodie and jeans for Ben and then myself. I slipped mine on and turned so he could change. I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind and smiled. His cheek pressed against my back as he sighed.

"Let's get going before mom freaks."he whispered

"Okay baby. We can cuddle later." I smiled.

I took his hand and led him down the stairs. We saw his parents and Billy sitting on the couch. We sat opposite from them. Their mom frowned.

"I think it's time we tell you boys about Benjamin."  Me Conner said.

"What about me?" Benny panicked

"Nothing bad sweat heart. Just as to why things have been delays in your wolfs life." His mom assured.

Benjamin let out a sigh and squeezed my hand. I smiled at Smiled at him and turned my attention back to his parents.

"The reason why Ben has been different is because......"

Too be continued.

_______ __________ _________


Sorry it's short but the best chapter is next.

How's everyone a life.

Thank you for all the lovely messages and comments about the book.

Vote and comment come more.

Love y'all

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