Chapter 15.

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Benjamin's POV-

Jake carried me down the stairs to the kitchen table for lunch. He had his big goofy smile on his face once again.

"How are you feeling darling?" Jake's mom asked.

"I feel better mom. Whats for lunch?" He asked with a big grin.

"Ive made you favorite. Turkey subs with cesar salad and gummy bears for after." She smiled big

Jake's eyes lit up as his mom put down his plate. He looked like a kid on christmas.

"Speaking of christmas." Jake started.

"Stay out of my head you creep!" I giggled

"I'm sorry! Anyways, Mom i need you to help me shop."He said with a blush.

"Oh hunny of course I'll help you!" She grinned

I chuckled at how red Jake's face was. His mother giggled like a school girl and turned back to the oven. She pulled a cake out of the oven. Jake set his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze.

"You okay?" He asked looking at my plate.

"Yea just thinking." I smiled slightly.

"How about when your done, we go for a run. We can go sit by the water and relax. Moms got it covered here. Right mama?" He smiled

"Yea hunny. Go take a rest for once. Ben needs it." She smiled sweetly at me.

I nodded and smiled down at my hands. How did i get so lucky to have someone like Jake in my life?

"I ask myself the same with you everyday." Jake says grinning

"Get out of my head Jake!" I said throwing a gummy bear at him.

Jake gave me an evil look at threw a hand ful back.

Lets just say the kitchen was a mess after that.




And im sorry its short, but im ina rush.

Ive got a concussion and can't look at the computer for long.

But update as soon as i get better!


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