Chapter 13

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Benjamin's POV-

I woke to an empty bed. Jake's mother, Tammy, busted in the door worried.

"He's gone Ben!" She panicked

"what do you mean hes gone?!" I yelled

"I came to get you guys up for dinner, but he wasn't here. I thought maybe in the garden, but hes gone." Tammy cried out

I jumped fromt he bed tripping on the sheets. I hurried out the door and down the stairs. I mind linked Billy and soon he was out by my side.

"What happened?' he questioned

"Jake wasn't feeling good, so we stayed in bed. When i got up he was gone and Tammy was panicking." I said looking around

"Well you the alphas mate. You make calls. What should we do Ben?" Billy asked

I thought for a minute. I never have had calls. Dad was always the one giving orders.Then i always followed Billy around. Ever since i was a late shifter i have always followed people, but from the shadows you watch. Sometimes when you watch you learn.

"I want all of our best trackers outside now!" i yelled.

People lined up in front of Billy and I. All shoulder to shoulder ready for comands.

"Alpha Jake my mate has gone missing. He is weak, sick and alone. The attack of rogues to myself has cautioned myself and you beta. I want everyone to split up in groups of three. Billy and I will go alone. Everyone else, split up and take a direction. MOVE!" I ordered

As soon as the order was given, groups of three shifted and were off looking. I turned to Billy and he nodded. We shifted and ran off south of the house.

Mud wen flying as we ran. Our paws sounding like drums as the pack searched for the mising alpha.

'He could be anywhere. Sniff for him Ben. You know him better then anyone.' Billy said in mind link

I nodded and sniffed anywhere i could. faint scents came to me and one was Jake. I took off running.

"Im coming Jake."

Jake's POV-

I stepped on the plush grass and gazed at the waterfall. It was the place my sister and I played. The place we went to hide from mom when we were just children. The place she died.

Images of the attack played in my head. The way she hid behind me as i shifted to protect her. She was just an 8 year old girl. I was 15. Just shifted and alone. I was out numbered and they took her from me.

I shook my head and tripped on a root. I fell face into the mud. I looked up, fresh tears in my eyes. She was so young, so scared. I could feel her emotions pour from her still.

'I'm coming Jake.'

Benjamin was coming to rescue me from the pain. I laid my head on arms and waited for the darkness.

Benjamin's POV-

I came to a hill as the scent got stronger then ever. I looked down and saw my handsome mate laying on the ground. He was in his boxers, now covered in mud shovering. I ran down next to him. I hovered over him and licked his head gently. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Can we go home?" he asked

I nodded and he lifted himself up and onto my back. Burring his face in my fur we climbed the way back up the hill. Billy gave me a wolfie smile and we walked back home, carfuly not to wake him.

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its been so long and IM SO SORRY!

i have summer school and i was at my dads for vacation and then i have school soon.

SO im goign crazy with work

but all books not completed will be update by sunday.

I THOUGHT i should do this first because we have ALMOST 20,000 READS!

thank you all so much. its amazing.


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