Chapter 3.

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Jake's POV-

That smell so intoxicating. Ben ran ahead and disappeared around the corner. What's wrong with him.

Ben's POV-

I took off. He can't know. He just can't. I entered my room and sprayed my cologne like there was no tomorrow. I sprayed it in the hallway.

I sat in the corner, tears breaching my eyes. He can't find out. He'll turn 20 soon as his father will make him choose an unmated female. He'll learn to love her. And they'll have pups. And.... and..

"Why do you do this to yourself Ben?" My wolf asked

"We don't deserve him marcus. He needs someone who can produce pups for him. Some one strong enough. The moon goddess was mistaken pairing us together." I stated slowly sobbing.

"Ben. Your wrong. I've talked to his wolf, but we are keeping it a secret. Don't make me tell his wolf to tell him. He needs us. They need us." marcus stated

"No! he doesn't! now step down!" I yelled.

Marcus whimpered but backed away from my mind. I put my head into my knees and cried. My door swing open and footsteps approached me.

"Benny? what's wrong.?" Billy asked.

"He almost found us billy." I whispered.

He sighed, "you can't keep it forever Benjamin"

"I have to. He needs a strong female to produce pups with. Not a scrawny, little boy." I sobbed.

"Benjamin look at me. Now." He said slowly.

I lifted my head slowly and looked into his light brown eyes. He sighed and pulled me into his lap, just like we were little kids again.
He would cradle me when kids would bully me when we were little.

"You need to decide soon Benny. He's gonna go crazy. He starts to smell you, but then it's masked by your cologne." Billy stated running fingers through my hair.

"I love you big brother." I whispered.

"And I love you too little brother. Don't let mom and dad know. God then were both died." He chuckled.

I nodded and slightly smiled. I heard heavy footsteps and then smelt jake at my door.

"I'm never going to find him." He freaked.

"How the hell do you know it's a guy?" Billy said.

"Cause I can. What did I miss here?" He asked pointing to me and Billy.

"Brotherly advice." Billy stated.

"Mate trouble benny?" jake asked.

I nodded stiffly. He smirked at me and then frowned.

"Lucky ass hole. Who's the lucky guy?" he asked.

"I don't know yet, but I don't want one." I stated sliding off of Billy.

"Benjamin! why the hell not?" jake said furious.

"Because I don't deserve one. I can't produce pups and I'm not like everyone else. No one wants the nerdy kid whose bullied." I stated on the break of tears again.

"Yes you do. Your mate better kick those guys asses or I will soon. Don't worry Benny who ever he is will love you. If not, then I'll take you in." He smiled.

I shuttered at the offer. I nodded and smiled slightly.

"Get some sleep Ben. We'll see you in the morning." Billy said kissing my head.

They smiled and walked out. Leaving me to a sleepless night.

( sorry for the time jump :/)

-1 a half weeks later-

Benjamin's POV-

Billy has been helping me get rid of my cologne. Marcus, my wolf, told me I had 2 weeks till he told Jake's wolf.

"You ready? today's the day." Billy said smiling.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed.

"Jake is already at school. So just go there. Act like it's a normal day. Let your cologne wear off till the game tonight. Then well go with it." Billy said.

"I guess so."

- going to the game.-

Are you suppose to have butterflies like this? cause I have a zoo in my stomach. I'm wearing Billy's old jersey and I'm standing by the bleachers with Alley, Billy's mate. She smiled at me.

"You'll be fine Ben. He'll smell you and won't leave." She smirked

The whistle blew and put ran the other team. All humans. Agiain. When it blew again the crowd screamed again. Out ran Billy and the team, but last was Jake. His head whipped to me. Eyes locked.
Fuck fuck fuck!!!

Jake's POV-

We heard the whistle blew and coach hollered us out. We ran out, me being last cause of caption.

When I stepped foot through the door, it hit me. That smell. Pine trees and coffee. So sweet and intoxicating. I whipped my head toward the smell and locked eyes with Ben. Wait Ben? but he's been of age. And I've been around him.

Billy turned and smirked at me.

"See him now Jake." Billy smirked.

"You knew!" I roared.

"Shit! He knew! Everything he told you, was meant for you, but his wolf and myself helped him. Now go kiss him before he changes his mind." He smirked.

I nodded and ran as fast as I could to Ben. He was shaking and I could feel how nervous he was as it radiated off his body. I stopped in front of him. I looked deep into his baby blue eyes and my breath hitched. So fucking beautiful.

I placed my forehead to his and sighed, smiled.

"Just get it over with. Please reject me." He whispered chocking back a sob

"What? no. Benny. I've been waiting for you since I was just a little boy. I've wanted you in my arms just for myself." I whispered to him caressing his cheek.

"Don't lie to me. No one wants me. That's why I hide to keep Billy's rep safe. I don't want to ruin you Jake." He sobbed.

I tilted his face by his chin with my fingers. I placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it, looking into his eyes. I smiled softly at him and he blinked his tears away. As I whipped his tears I smiled.

"You know you do look really cute in this jersey. Even if it's not mine." I slightly growled.

"I-I..." He stuttered.

"Shh. I was kidding Benny." I whispered.

"I like when you calm me that." He smiled.

"Benny." I whispered.

He shuttered and I chuckled. I leaned in, capturing his lips with mine. He tensed at first, but soon eased into the kiss. When I pulled back, he whimpered.

"Ally has one of my old jersey. Id love if you would put it on." I whispered.

"Of course. Kick some ass Jake." He smiled.

I kissed his forehead. He slipped on my jersey and smiled. He kissed my lips and my heart soared. I smiled and ran off to the game, ready to win this.



Early update


You all gave me some positive feedback and With the amount of votes and reads

I just had to.

Love y'all!

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