Chapter 10.

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Jake's POV-

"The reason why Ben has always been different is because he's not just wolf." His mother said with a shaky voice.

"What do you mean mom? what else am I besides wolf?" Ben asked nervously.

I took his now shaking hands in mine. He turned to me with terror in his eyes. I smiled sweetly at him and kissed his hands softly. He smiled a little at me and turned to his mom again.

"Your half fairy Benjamin. I know it sounds weak but it's not. Your great grandmother was part fairy due to a curse. But this was no curse. You are destined Benjamin. Your meant to do many great things we don't know of yet." His father said proudly yet scared.

"I don't understand. How come billy didn't get it?" he asked confused.

"Your grandmother knew how weak you came into this world. She wanted both her great grand babies to die strong. So she put her curse into you just when you where born. That's why she died. She have up herself so you could live and be with your mate." His mother smiled fondle at me.

Benjamin turned to me and smiled. He leaned in and gently kissed my lips. I smiled and rested my forehead on his.

"So I'm here because of her? why would she do that. I was weak." He whispered.

"She wanted us to be a full family. Being part fairy she was, she could contact the moon goddess more then we can. She asked your destiny, but swore to never tell a soul. And she knew you had a great mate waiting." His father said as tears ran down his now flush cheeks.

"How will I know what to do?" Ben asked.

"It comes in the littlest things. You just have to be open minded with it." His father smiled.

Benjamin turned to me and smiled. He took my hands in his.

"Then we do this together." He said

"Together." I smiled.

I kissed his forehead and smiled.




If anyone keeps fault in our stars they will understand that!!

By hey!

Hope you liked the new secret that is now out.

More to come ;)

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