chapter twenty-four

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*months later*
*Oli's POV*

Months have gone by. Me and most of the pack have done reconstruction to Jennifer's house. We pull everything out of the house, demolish it, and rebuilt it.
We make a basement with cement walls. We built the house with 15 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, a ball room, kitchen, living room, and a play room.
All on 4 floors above the ground. The basement is of course underground. me and Jennifer's room is on the 4th floor. The 4th floor is just mine and hers room.

All the other 14 bedrooms are downstairs on the other 3 floors. Very big rooms too.

We also put in a medical room abd secret passages. The entrance is outside the house. How you enter it: there is a water sprinkler that does its sprinkling.
There is a button on top that opens a secret door that's camouflaged as grass and there is a stairway that goes down a few flights of stairs into a sound proof floor.
On this floor is cells. Its almost a replica of my house but bigger. In the end, we paint it black with bright colors. Its big enough for the pack and the babies.

Then, we put everything back in the house. She wakes me up. Telling me her water breaks. We take her to the medical room. "what do we do?", I ask.
Mika comes in. "She has to push out all the pups", she says. She goes and get the some cradles ready. Jennifer starts pushing. She squeezes my hand and screams.
She keeps pushing until the first baby comes. "Its a girl", Mika says. Jennifer keeps pushing. After pushing for a couple of hours, she gives birth to 3 beautiful baby girls.

Jennifer is sweating and tired. She starts to heal. Once she finishes healing, we all crawl back into bed. Yes, the pack moved into Jennifer's house.
She wanted them to. Sykes hardly leaves his room. He came out when Jennifer was in labor. He was standing at the door and watched as Jennifer delivered my triplets.
The hurt in his eyes kind of makes me feel bad. I go to his room. I knock on his door. "Sykes. Can I talk to you?", I ask. His door opens. "About what?", he asks.

"Just to talk. About anything.", I say. He opens he's door all the way. He let's me in. "Why are you so upset?", I ask. I wanna know.

"I'm upset because I like Jennifer but I know she's your mate. I'm having trouble finding a mate.", he says. The only person who doesnt have a mate is Mika.
"Have you thought about Mika? Mika doesn't have a mate.", I say. He looks at me. "I didn't know she was Mateless. I'll see if she'll be my mate.", he says.
He gets off of his bed and goes to Mika. I get up. I exit the room to go to bed. I walk up all the stairs to my room. I crawl into bed with jennfer. I fall asleep quickly.

*Next day*
*Jennifer's POV*

I wake up to no Oli in the bed and the sounds of crying. I get up. I still have a belly. I follow the crying. Its inside the nursery. I walk in to see Oli holding one of the three baby girls.
I come into the nursery. Oli looks at me & smiles. "Aren't they so beautiful?", he asks. "Are these our baby girls?", I ask. I don't remember anything after waking Oli up for something.
Its just blank. He nods. "Yes. Megan, Joyce, and Savannah.", he says. They're identical triplets. "Where's Sykes?", I ask. "With Mika", he says.

Im confused by Oli's response. "What do you mean?", I ask. He sets Megan down. "He found his mate... Mika.", he says with a smile. He puts his hands on my sides.
"I told him Mika is the only pack mate that's Mateless. He ran out to get her.", he says. I nod. I take a closer look at the girls. "Their hair. Its already getting long.", I say.
I look at Oli. "How fast do they grow?", I ask. "Well, its rare if the grow fast. They have the rarity of growing fast.", he pauses and looks closer at them.

"It happens when one parent has part of a vampire gene. so, for an example, if I have a certain amount of vampire in me, but mostly werewolf.
If I mate and have pups, they have part of the vampire gene that they grow faster than normal. So in about a month, they'll be like a one-year-old baby.
I'm 100% werewolf.", he says. I mush have some vampire genes but how? Im unsure but that vampire gene came from me. Then i remembered.

When I was a child, I was bitten, but never turned. I got part of the gene that way.

We don't know how much time we have with them. I go to the kitchen and start making breakfast for the pack. Pancakes, bacon, and toast.
I also make up 3 bottles of formula for the babies. I look at the time. Its 11am. As soon as I finish, I call everyone in to eat. I go up stairs to the nursery.
"Oli, I made breakfast for everyone. Come on down.", I say. He doesn't want to leave the babies alone. "They'll be fine, Oli.", I say.

We head back down to the dining room. We sit and start to eat.

We begin to eat when we hear glass break. "The babies!!", I yell and we all start to run up the stairs. We burst into the nursery to see my 'mom' holding Megan.
"Mom, put Megan down.", I say. She looks at me. "I can't hold my grandchildren?", she asks. "No. They are mine. Put Megan down Now.", I say.
She has hurt written all over her face. Shes hurt by my words. She looks at me sternly and jumps out of the window with Megan. "NOOO!", I scream.

"Megan!!", I start to break down and cry. "Not my baby", I say.

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