chapter tweleve

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*Oli's POV*

"You two fight over a girl like bill Compton and Eric Northmen over fucking sookie stackhouse (TRUE BLOOD REFERENCE!!!).", she snaps. I kind of laugh to myself.
"I want her. There is something special about her. I don't know what it is yet but I know she's different. I can sense it in her.", he says. I come out from behind the tree and chuckle.
"You have feelings for my mate?", I ask. Mika and Sykes look at each other. "Jennifer is mine and you can't have her.", I start to snap. "Okay calm down, Mr. Bill Compton.

That's your guys new nicknames. Fucking Bill Compton and Eric fucking Northmen. Jennifer is fucking Sookie Stackhouse.", Mika says.

"Remember the laws, Sykes. You can't take someone who has already been placed with a mate. Jennifer is my mate. Find your own.", I snarl.
Me and Sykes start bucking up to one another. "I want her.", he says. "well you cant have her." I start to grow even more angry with Sykes.
"Both of you stop it. Its just a god damn girl.", Mika yells. I look at her. "She's not just a girl, Mika. She's mine.", I say. I start to walk off.

"You will not touch her, talk to her, come near her, nothing.", I say and continue to walk away. I stop and break down some trees and rip into deer's and elks.
Im covered in blood. I go into my house and wash off all the blood and change my cloths. I go down to the secret floor to go to Jennifer.
I see the 3 girls we captured and put in cells. They are shaking and crying. I continue to Jennifer's room. I walk in to see Jennifer is sitting up and awake.

"Hey babe, what's up?", I ask. She smiles. "How long was I out for since the girls beat me near death?", she asks. I clear my throat. "Well, for about 2 weeks.
We tried everything to wake you up but you just remained asleep. We captured the girls and they are currently in a cell. Feeling hungry?", I ask. She nods.
"Well, let's see what girl you wanna eat and we will put you in a "Feeding" Room.", I say. She nods. I pull her with me to each of the cells. She looks at all of them. Pathetic.

*Jennifer's POV*

I wake up and Oli is gone. I wait for him to come back and he does. "Hey babe. What's up?", he asks. I smile at the name he called me.
I proceed to ask him how long I was asleep after I was nearly beaten to death. He clears his throat. He says I was out for about a 2 weeks.
They tried everything to wake me up but I remained asleep. While I was still bloody and look dead, they captured Beth, Anna, and Lizzy.

He asks if Im hungry and I nod. Hell yeah I'm hungry. Haven't eaten in like 2 weeks. He takes me by the hand and shows me where their cells are.
They are shaking and crying. They are filthy. I walk up Beth's cell. I get down in my knees. She crawls to the bars. "P-please. H-help me. I-im sorry, J-Jennifer.", she pleads for mercy.
"We'll see." I say and stand straight up. She starts to beg me to come back and help her. I go to the other girls. They all say the same thing. "Okay ladies.

Whose idea was it to harm me?", I ask. Beth starts to stand up. "M-Me.", she says. I look at Oli and nod. He grabs the key. He unlocks Beth's cell.
Oli pulls Beth out. He takes her to a room. I look at the other two girls. I smirk and head to the room with Oli in it. I open the door. Beth has her ankles chained to the floor.
Oli looks at me. "Now, would you like to eat her as a human or in your werewolf form?", Oli asks. Beth starts freaking out. "Ill take her Human", I say and begin walking towards her.

She starts to just flip the fuck out. She screams, cries, & kicks. "Beth, you are fucked. No one is gonna save you. No one is gonna save you or the others.
You 3 are fucked. I'm going to show you what fear feels like. Put you through the pain you guys put me through.", I snap. I pin her to the ground. "No please. I beg you.
Please don't hurt me.", she begs and pleads. "Awe. Poor thing.", I say and whisper in her ear. "I'm your punisher. I am your executioner". Her eyes grow wide and starts screaming.

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