chapter fifteen.

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*Jennifer's POV*

   I start feeling sick. Like I have the flu. I take more days off of school. I stay at my house now. I've cleaned up the bloody mess & buried my mom's body.
   I stay in bed for a little while. Ive been puking alot & Oli says its just a side effect of being a new werewolf. He says there are a couple of symptoms.

The symptoms are:
Fever of 104
Breathing and sweating heavily
& very hungry.

   I'm having all of those symptoms. Oli says it'll last about 5 days. So far its been 2 days and I feel like I'm dying. I take ice cold showers everyday to try and keep my body temperature down.
   I'll go to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thursday. I haven't been in school for about 3 weeks. Its time I go back. Now, I need to try and eat. Me and Oli shift.
   We go out & hunt. We come across a campsite. I can't tell how many people are there but there are 3 tents. My guess is 6 people. 2 in each tent.

   Me and Oli start messing with the tents, causing the people to come out. We sit by the camp fire. They just stare at us in shock. I was wrong in the numbers.
   In 3 tents, there are a total of 9 people. More people than I expected. I look at Oli. He starts to growl. He gets up & snarls. The humans are highschool students from my school.
    I notice two of the humans. Anna & Lizzy. I shift human. I chuckle. "If it isn't Lizzy and Anna. How have you been ladies?", I ask and they stare at me.

   I roll my eyes. "Have you guys ever seen a werewolf before? They are like from the movies.", I say. Oli shifts & chuckles at them. "Pathetic excuse of humans.", he says.
   The football plays start to buck up. "We aren't afraid of no faggot werewolves. You weak little werewolves have nothing on us.", Lizzy's boyfriend says.
   Me & Oli look at each other then back at them. "Let's get something straight, dumbass, this is my girlfriend so I'm not a faggot. I'm stronger than all 3 of you steroids put together.

   Try me. I'm stronger and faster.", Oli says. I look at Anna and Lizzy. " you sluts are mine.", I snarl. Me & Oli get ready to attack. The football players charge at Oli first.

*Oli's POV*

   The 3 football players charge at me. I quickly move. I start to shift. I get on my back legs. On my back legs, I stand about 7 feet tall. I stand up and they stand there.
    I know they are full of fear. One football player tackles me and the others come up and starts kicking me. I bite down on one of the football player's leg.
   He kicks his leg into my mouth and I snap it. He falls, screaming in pain. I look over at Jennifer. She has the girls in one tent. I reach up to the other football player kicking me.

   I plunge my paw through his chest, ripping out his heart. He immediately drops dead. The last football player. The one who tackled me. I kick him off.
   He flies back and lands on his back. He puts his hand on his back in pain. I walk over to him. I pick him up by his throat. Fear flows through him.
   He knows he's dead. I start to pull him apart. I grab his legs and start splitting him apart. I end up ripping his heads off with his spine still attached.

   I pick up the bodies and put them in a tent. We pick up the tents and head home. When get back, we take the tents down to the cells.
   Everyone got their own cells. 7 cells taken. 2 people are dead and 1 is injured. I give one dead player to Jennifer. Shes clearly hungry because she tore him the fuck up.
   She tears him apart with her own 2 hands. She looks like she's getting better. She just needs to eat. She's covered in blood but that's really the only bad thing.

   She turns him into just bones. She cleans the meat off the bone and leaves the bones in the "feeding" room. She comes out. She looks better.
   She doesn't looks sick like she did before. "How do you feel?", I ask. She smiles. "I don't feel sick. I feel great. School will be fine tomorrow.", she says.
   I hug her and she wraps her tiny arms around my waist. She gets cleaned up, changes, and crawls into bed. I crawl next to her. She's doing good as a new werewolf.

   Most new wolves can't control their shifting and kill. Soon, we both fall asleep.

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