chapter five

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*Jennifer's POV*

   As soon as Oli left, I become scared. I know my dad is awake and is gonna hurt me. I cautiously walk through the front door. I can't get in through any other way.
   I walk in and I start getting nervous and scared. I slowly look around before I walk to my room. I see my mom is asleep on the couch and my dad passed out in the recliner chair.
   I let out a breath of relief. I still cautiously walk to my room. Once I get to my room, i take a shower and chang into some night cloths.

   As Im getting in bed to go to sleep, I see a figure standing in the corner. I look at the figure and realize who it is. My heart starts pounding against my chest.
   He is just staring at me and stand in in the corner. "", I call out. He slowly walks towards me. I jump up and rush to the door but fail.
   He grabs me by my hair and pulls my back, making my body slam to the ground. I hiss in pain from my body slamming on the wooden floor.

   I look him in the eyes. The eyes of my father. He pins me to the ground and wraps his hands around my neck and starts squeezing.
   I start choking and gasping for air. He starts crushing my windpipe. My vision gets blurry. As I start to pass out, he releases my neck and starts beating me.
   Punching me, kicking me. I come out bloody and beaten. All bruised. These wounds will be there for a little while. I have school in 2 days.

   Oli will see my wounds. Blood everywhere & I pass out on the floor.

*Oli's POV*

   After I leave Jennifer on her front porch, I feel worried. I start to walk to the woods. I watch from a distance. I listen closely. I hear a loud thud and screaming. I quickly zoom to the house.
   I put my ear to the wall to hear Jennifer's dad is beating her. I back up and run full speed into the first floor window. I zoom upstairs. Jennifer's door is locked.
   I start throwing myself at the door. Soon, the door breaks open. I see Jennifer passed out and covered in blood. Then the man, I assume is her father, looks at me and anger flashes in his eyes.

   He runs at me and I quickly duct down so he runs into the wall. He comes back in to the room. He grabs ahold of my neck and starts to squeeze. I start coughing and choking.
   I dug my thumbs into his eye. He let go of my neck and coveres his eye. A woman, I assume is Jennifer's mom, comes running in. She screams and pushes me to the ground.
   "He was beating our daughter and I tried to stop him but he gouged out my eye.", he lies. "I didn't hurt Jennifer. I love jennifer.

   I heard her scream so I came running in to see what was happening and this asshole was kicking her. He is beating your daughter. Not me.", I growl.
   She looks down. She quickly pulls a gun out at points it at me. My hearts racing. She then turns it on Jennifer's dad. He holds his hands. "Lesley, what do you think you are doing?", he asks.
   "What I should have done long ago.", she says and shoots him 6 times in the chest. I cover my face in shock. Holy shit.

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