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I walked down stairs, dressed in red and white. A white tee and red jeans touched the kitchen table's seat on the left as I sat down for breakfast. "Good morning champ." My dad says. Champ was my nickname because at my school's science fair, I took home first place winner for my nanotech that could build the tallest building in the world just with the thought of it. It was pretty cool but I didn't really talk about it due to the fact I'm always bullied for being so smart. Mom sat a medium sized bowl of oatmeal on the table in front of me. "Good morning." I say, kissing her on the cheek.

As I ate finished up the last if the oatmeal, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Yells my little sister, Trina. Trina is thirteen years old, that thinks the whole world revolves around what she says. It just drives me crazy with some of the things she does and says. "Oh hey Zander! Max! Your dweeb is here!" I have to admit, she is feisty one. "Hey misses and mister Pierce! How are you lovely folks doing?" Zander exclaims. My parents both sigh.

Zander tries to be a cool kid all the time. It gets old mostly after 13 years. "What's up, Z?" I ask, fist bumping him. "We're going to be late that's what's up." I look down at my watch and notice it's 7:45. "Crap! Let's go!" I yell as we run out the front door. The bus was almost halfway down the street. "We have to catch it!" Zander says. "Way ahead of you." We both take off sprinting down the road until the bus finally stops, letting us get on. "Thought you guys wouldn't make it." Sky mumbles. "We did with no help from you." Zander replies. "Check your phones." Zander and I pull out of phones, seeing a text from her saying; "Bus is here! Hurry up." I fall into a seat after the bus starts to move. Oh no.

It's Bret Johns, the football captain and, my worst enemy. "Watch out, idiot." He says with his punk voice. "At least I can pass my classes." I say under my breath. Bret stands up. "What'd you just say? Huh?!" He picks me up by my shirt collar. I'm now lifted four feet off the floor by a 6 foot 10 jock by my neck. Just another day in high school for me. "Put him down Bret!" Screams Sky. He quickly turns his head her way. "Oh I'll put him down!" He then choke slammed me into the steel floor, head first.

I get up off of the floor with a bruise on my forehead. Bret starts to punch me in the stomach as Zander tries to pull him away. "Stop!" The bus driver yells at us. The three of us start looking around to see that we're at the school. "The three of you! Principal Taylor's office now!" He screams. It seemed that the minuet we stepped into her office, she knew who it was. "Why do you three always seem to fight?" Ms.Taylor asks.

Because Bret's a brute that always gets what he want!" Zander exclaims. "Yeah like this beating your about get!" Bret slams Zander's head into the table. "Get out!" Ms.Taylor yells at Bret before pushing him out of her office and closing the door. She shook her head in disappointment. "Max, you need to start standing up for yourself. Now you two go on to class and have a good day." She says. Zander and I started our way down the hall. "You going to the party tonight?" He asks me.

Tonight Bret is hosting a party at his parent's house on the east side of Hiller Reid. He surprisingly invited both Zander and myself. "After what just happen, I don't even think I'll make it in alive." I reply. "That's true but you never know." And he was right. Bret was the type of person to beat you up and then try to befriend you right after, which was really stupid in my opinion. "Whatever. I'm just ready to get this day over with." I say, changing the subject. "Same here." Skylarr had been behind us the whole time.

You're coming to the party right?" She asks me. "Like I said, after what just happen, I highly doubt it." Sky opens the door leading to our homeroom. "Good morning students. Please, take a seat." Mrs.Small says with her French accent.We all find our normal seats, three chairs in the back of the room behind everyone else. Small starts to take roll as I notice something out the corner of my eye. I slowly turn my head only to see nothing but the same tree that blocks off that part of the window.

"Mr.Pierce," Mrs.Smalls walks over to us. "Do you happen to have a pencil with you?" She asks me. I reach in my jean pocket, pulling a mechanical pencil out and handing it to her. 'She better not do "the thing" again.' I say to myself. But then Smalls does "the thing" which is sticking a pencil in her mouth and biting on the object repeatedly. It is one of the most annoying things in the world. She writes a check by the three of our names before sitting down on her desk.

"You can now do whatever you want. Just stay away from me and the doors. A storms brewing." Mrs.Smalls says. Mrs.Smalls disappears into her small office. Zander within moments takes out his phone. Sky did the same. "This party's going to be wicked!" Zander says as Sky starts to exit the room. "Hey! Where you going?" I ask. She turns to me and smiles. "I'll only be gone for a few minuets, Max. Calm down. Cover for me?" She says, flipping her long black hair. "Yeah." I whisper.

Ten minuets have passed and she's still not back so I decide to go find her. "Zander, come on!" I whisper to him. He turns off his phone. "Where we headed?" He asks. "We are going to find Skylarr. She's taking a little long. You in?" I say before Zander nods and we leave.

"Where do you think she is?" Zander asks. Closing the door, a concerned look crossed his face. "Probably with Bret and his friends." I reply. Both of us check our surroundings to check if she's on this hallway still. "No sign of her." We start walking down the stairs next to the room. That's when we see Ms.Taylor with Skylarr, yelling at her for something. I quickly push Zander back upstairs and back inside the room.

"That was close." He says. I look at him with that "you don't say" face before returning to my seat. Ms.Taylor opens the door, with Sky standing next to her. "What happened?" I mouth to her. "I don't know! She just saw me and boom!" She mouths back. "Go get Mrs.Smalls and then sit down in a chair! This ain't no honeymoon!" So I'm guessing she caught Sky and Brute---I mean Bret kissing somewhere.

Mrs.Smalls walks out of the small room. "What do you want?!" She yells at Sky, not noticing the principal standing to her side. I felt the urge to say something but it seemed like she was on a full rant. Ms.Taylor cleared her throat. "Oh my---Ms.Taylor I didn't see you there. My apologies." Mrs.Smalls says. "It's okay. I understand. Did you realize Ms.Dashell was out of the room, in the male locker room with her boyfriend, Bret?" This started to get tense.

"No ma'am."
"Oh so she snuck out?"
"You didn't see her leave?"
"No-no ma'am."
"That means you weren't in the room, isn't that right?"
"Yes." Mrs.Smalls put her head down. "I know that it's the last day but you still need to watch these kids no matter what happens." Ms.Taylor then leaves the room without saying another word.

I once again see a figure out of the corner of my eye but this time, it's next to the tree. Starting to feel a little sick, I go to the restroom. "Oh no." I say before vomiting into a toilet. Washing my face, a voice starts to talk to me. "Hey, Max." It was my archenemy, Tom. Tom was a football player like Bret but much, much stronger.

"What do you want Tom?" I whine. He starts to walk towards me. Now as you probably know by now, I cannot fight at all, so this is going to be a problem. Tom throws him arm back and then punched me in the nose. I start to bleed as he kicks me in the stomach and face. Everything slowly starts to fade into blackness before I pass out.

Alphas Book One: The FindingWhere stories live. Discover now