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A knock on the door startles all of us. "FBI! Open up!" Yells an Omega Agent. I prepare to Gize into whoever walks through that door.

Scott looks over at me with a serious expression. "Nate, Max, Zander you three are with me down here." He whispers. I nod my head. Zander extends his wings and makes a construct of a ten inch sword.

"Jade, Skylarr, Liz, and Selina go upstairs and get ready. Grab the suit if you can." Suddenly the door is blasted down and in steps a guy with armor that looks like alien-tech.

I Gize. The ball doesn't even touch the man but is redirected into Zander, who goes flying through a window in he kitchen.

Scott throws a knife that explodes on impact of the man. I Bond with my bands before running up to the man and punching him with all my might.

He falls into the floor as the other agents flood in with their guns pointed at us. I throw my hands into the air. Moments later, I kick the guy I front of me, knocking his gun out of his hand.

I grab the agent by his neck before throwing him into the wall. The agents open fire on me, not damaging my slick metal skin.

Zander starts explosions inside, hitting about 26 Omegas. Nate transforms into his demon-self. He starts ripping through the agents as Scott rubberizes himself and stretches throughout the whole room.

"Don't move another muscle." Sky makes a death Chinese and bonds it with her hand before blasting it into three agents.

"Max get us out of here!" Scott yells at me as more Omegas come through the door. Everyone gathers around me. I warp to the front of my house.

"Get Trina and get her out of here!" I yell at Zander. He bursts through the front door and walks into the living room.

"She's not here man!" He replies. "Omega!" I punch the tree that's in front of my house, knocking it to the other side of the street. "Calm down!" Nate demands.

I start to breath heavily. My heart feels like it had a knife in it. No I am not out of juice, my body is not able to process what is happening.

Just then my legs feel weak and I collapse. Sky and Jade run to me, shaking me over and over. "Max! Max! C'mon stay with me!" Sky shouts.

Liz then grasps my arm. It felt like energy was flowing through me. My legs feel even stronger than ever before I jump almost 60 feet into the air.

I put my arms to the side. "I'm flying!" I yell. "I'm freaking flying!" The faster I get, the more green and purple energy surrounds me. As I start to dive towards the ground, the Omega Agents try to arrest the guys.

Nate turns into his demon form before killing some of them. The agents starts to use their powers, restraining him. I Flow. "Kill the flyer!" Yells some agent. Six of the Omegas aim their guns at my face. I warp behind them, having to kill them with a Burst to the back.

A GMC Acadia pulls up with four more Omegas. But these ones were different. They don't wear any armor but have regular clothes on. Odd. I say to myself. The four circle around me as I get ready to fight.

Two were women wearing a jacket and jeans while the guys wore a hoodie with a half-face mask, all of them have their hands in their pockets.

"You're Max right?" Asks the tallest girl with blond hair. I clinch my fist tight. "What do you want with me?" I ask her. The woman stands up straight. This makes me calm down just a little.

"I'm Haven. We were given information on you and your Alpha Squadron. The Omega Organization would like for you right to work with us." Haven smiles. Maybe I am not getting something here.

"So your way of asking is attacking my friends, detaining them, and then taking my sister- I'm guessing on that part but you got some real balls to be doing all this!" I exclaim. The oldest guy with long grey hair walks towards me. His face is wrinkly and looks older than dirt.

"Trina will be okay. I promise." He says with his frightening voice. The man transforms his right arm into a giant machine gun that is made from his skin. "Now come with us or we kill you and your friends." He says. "Mulbio he is just a child! He does not deserve to die!" Yells Haven. Suddenly Zander breaks out of the cuff that were on his arms and grabs Mulboi, sweeping him off of the ground.

"Let me go you fool!" Mulbio screams as Zander takes him high into orbit. He starts to spin around before he launches Mulboi into space. "Good residence." Zander says. A large explosion sound startles everyone. "You shouldn't have done that." Within moments Mulbio rockets at unnatural speeds towards Zander, knocking him into the concrete.

"Enough!" Haven yells. Her yell is so powerful, it knocks down three houses and throws me backwards to the youngest girl. She catches me in her arm with a smirk. "Hi I'm  Silver," Silver melts into a puddle of silver, dropping him and then turning back into her normal form.

She shoots Mulbio in his back as Zander gets up, flying towards me. He lands next to me. A construct of a robotic arm armors his arm. "Alright!"
Haven yells.

Sliver lays her hand on the ground. The rock below us starts to surround her hands as I Warp to Mulbio. I take him by the neck.

"If you want me and my friends to work with me, you must stop wrecking my place!" I yell. But Mulbio doesn't care and impales me with a knife formed by his hand.

My stomach starts to bleed as I look for a healer. "Liz....." Everything fades to black and I pass out.

Alphas Book One: The FindingWhere stories live. Discover now