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"Arghh!" Zander yells. He glances over to Shifter. "What's happening?!" Zander yells at him even though he's barely conscious. "You're...... You're becoming an Arch. Arch.... Arches are.. Very rare." Shifter stumbles over his words.

Skylarr shakes her head. Zander lets out one more cry. "Agh!" He screams as his shirt rips off, showing his bare chest and abdomen.

His long hair falls over his face, hands placed on the ground and vent on his knees. Zander pants. I run over to him. Shifter stands to his feet.

"Sky watch out!" Zander yells. He then uses his telekinetic power to lift Shifter into the air and slams him into a wall. She smiles. "Thanks." She says to Zander.

"Are you okay?" I ask Zander. He nods. "Yeah," he laughs. "Guess I just gained my wings." He smiles. Two medium sized guards run towards us. They have some type of rubber devices that look like rifles expect for the barrel doesn't have a hole.

The guards suits almost look like a giant piece of metal stuck to their bodies. A mask covers their mouth and nose. They point the guns at us. "On the floor now!" Yells a guard at Zander.

"Hey I'm with...." Before he could finish his sentence, a dart the size of a baby's finger hits him in the neck. He slumps over in the floor. Sky quickly forms two bolts of lightning in her hand. Didn't know she could do that. She throws it at them.

The guards fall to the ground, gasping for air. "See it didn't have to be like this." Sky says with a smirk. "Step back." Shifter says.

He puts a pistol to the back of her head before pistol whipping Skylarr over the head. "Sky!" I yell in agony. I turn around only to have the same gun that the guards use pointed in my face.

"Uh uh uh! Not so fast!" Shifter says. I lift my hands into the air. "I'm gonna make you and your friends feel what I go through." He shoots me in the chest three times with the darts, knocking me unconscious.


I wake up in a cube like cell. A table sits to one of the cushioned walls, one window is in the front and a bed is placed on the back wall. Shifter is standing in front of the glass with a dark smirk in his face.

He holds a enormous type device in both of his hands with smooth edges. "How are you doing, sir?" Shifter asks me.

I can feel chains on my arms and feet. My clothes are replaced with a black jumpsuit with the number 89. "Where am I and where are my friends?" I ignore his question.

Shifter chuckles. "Tell me son.... Do you believe in a god?" He walks closer. "Yeah. His name is Jesus." I reply.

"How can you believe in someone you can't see?" He touches the electrical bars on the outside of the window. "Faith. Something I have. For example, I have faith that'll get out of here." I look up to see a bar and open three squares.

"Faith is what will get you killed." Shifter turns a knob on the device. Smoke starts to fill up the room. Electricity starts to bounce off of the smoke.

I start to cough. "What are you doing?" I faintly say to him. "A little thing called Replicator-smoke. You'll see what is does." Suddenly my head is hit with a excruciating pain before I pass out.


The moon's light touches my face. One eye slowly opens. I wake to the sight of Zander and Sky. "Guys?" I ask. My vision wasn't at its best.

"It's us." Zander says. I felt so relieved. They both help me up and give me a hug. A guard walks in with a rifle much different from the one from I'm guessing earlier today.

"No contact!" He yells at us. We all drop our hands to our side as he points the rifle at us. "Sir is that a Scar16 with a tactical flashlight, rounded clip and 5inch suppressor?" Sky asks him. Forgot she studied guns with a passion.

"Yes it is. And loaded." He says, pulling a lever back. Sky starts to move her hand in the air like she is signing something.

"Hey! Stop that," the guard places his finger on the trigger. Some type of symbol that looks Chinese and it passes through the door, attaching to the guard.

His suit started to melt as he panics. "Ah! What's happening to me?!" The guard screams at Sky. She starts to laugh.

"I casted a spell. Turns out I can do that." Skylarr says. The guard drops to the floor. "Oh God did you kill him?!" Zander screams.

She shakes her head. "No. Just sleeping." I try to punch the wall out but nothing happen. Zander's wings weren't showing.

"What happened to your wings?" I ask, shaking my hand over and over again. "I learned how to holster them," he lets them expand outward.

"Huh. It seems he chose the wrong one to mess with." Shifter says as he walk in the room. "How about we have a little fun?!" He asks excitingly.

He opens the cell, letting us out. I step out first and Zander and then Skylarr. Zander picks Shifter up by his neck.

"Give me on good damn reason I shouldn't end your pitiful life right now!" Zander has never sworn in his life until today. I step in with energy flowing around my hands, A.K.A. Flash.

"Whoa! Calm down okay!" I yell at Zander. Sky summons a Chinese lightning symbol and bonds it with her skin.

She throws lightning at Shifter, cuffing him to the floor with lightning constructs. "That's for locking me in a cell for two days." She says before spitting in Shifter's face.

He breaks the constructs and grabs her by the neck! I Gize into his back. As Zander picks him up using telekinesis (wrapping), Shifter pulls a lever.

All cells have been unlocked. Come on!

Alphas Book One: The FindingWhere stories live. Discover now