Hypocritical parents

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I hate hypocritical parents. I came out to my mom as pansexual and she said she was okay with it, I told my mom I wanted to wear boy clothes and she was okay with that. But once I tell her that I'm transgender after finally accepting myself after twelve years she tells me it's just a phase and that I'll get over it. Well I tried forcing myself to be a girl, I tried wearing makeup and dresses and having my hair long. I've tried hiding who I truly was it didn't work. So after speaking with my therapist I brought the subject up with my mom again. Of course the first thing she said was "I don't care who you are or what you are I'll love you no matter what." But once I asked her to refer to me as a boy and call me Taran she immediately got hostile about it. Even going so far as to telling me I'm not a boy because I don't hunt or fish. Now let me tell you that made me a little angry and I pointed out the fact that none of my guy friends hunt or fish yet their still guys. Of course that made her even angrier and she told me that as long as I live with her then I'll still be called Tara and be referred to as she. Gee thanks mom, so much for loving me no matter what. It's sad that my grandmother who basically hates me and everything I do is the one person who actually supports me. She refers to me as a boy and makes me feel slightly loved even though she told me she'd rather I drink and take drugs than stay at home watching batman and the avengers. But then again she doesn't know that I'm transgender. No one in my family truly supports me and the one support I do have is from my best friend who's also transgender but he's going off to college soon so I won't get to talk to him a lot. It's hard going through all of this especially when you feel so alone. I just want to be accepted for who I really am and have my family understand that I'm not in the right body and I never was. I was meant to be a boy. When I was little my family members tried to buy me Barbie dolls and makeup. I hid them and refused to touch them and when my family tried to put me in dresses I would go into my cousin CJ's room and wear his clothes instead. My grandmother and aunt blew a gasket once they saw that I changed. I brought this up with my mom and she told me that I'm just a tomboy. -_- sure mom I'm a tomboy just like you claimed you were the same way when you were my age. Now I looked through my moms pictures of her as a child and she lied. She wore skin tight clothes and halter tops along with other kinds of girly frilly clothes. I keep trying to talk to her about it but she won't listen and just claims that I'm not a boy. I am thankful I have supportive friends. With them around I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Anyways I'm done with my ranting for the day. Support for all my fellow transgenders out there love you all.

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