Rough times

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So I've been having a really hard time lately. The only good thing is my mom is using my pronouns and name after 4 years of begging. But the bad things are I've started cutting again like really bad. Just so much is going on and I can't handle it. Also the fact that the man who molested me for years is going to be at a family gathering and he always grabs me and runs his hands all over me and throws me around like a rag doll. And I'm not allowed to do anything or say anything at all. So I'm just emotionally messed up. And I see my therapist soon and I just know he'll insist that I go to a crisis mental health center. And I really don't wanna go. My dad doesn't like or trust mental health facilities at all he believes their a waste of time. And he throws a huge angry tantrum at just the mention of me going to a facility. I just don't know what to do and it doesn't help that I've been awake going on 96 hours. I can't sleep at all no matter how much I try. Anyways I hope everyone is doing okay even though I'm not. Thanks for letting me vent.

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