Passing and transphobia

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So today I actually feel slightly confident because I pass as a boy. There's a picture of me above. And my mother has finally accepted me as transgender and told me that she's proud to have me as her son. Which makes me so happy. But my grandmother decided to complain about how I dress and she told my mom that she's a horrible parent because she lets me dress how I want and accepts me as a boy. My mom told me that the family members who don't accept me can go fuck themselves because I'm her son and that's final. Needless to say I was shocked and happy. Also I had an awkward moment. I pass as a guy but I'm to much of a chicken to use the guys bathrooms. So I went into the girls bathroom in Walmart and a woman ended up calling the manager. Luckily I got out of the bathroom before they could get there but it was still really awkward. And I'm really happy because my mom has started referring to me as a boy in private but if we're in public she tries her best not to use gender pronouns she'll just refer to me by my name. I've been having some real gender dysphoria issues lately though because it seems like my chest is getting bigger and I hate it. I can't wait until I get my binder soon it'll make me feel a lot better about myself. What I don't understand though is at the Walmart in my town guy clothes are more expensive than girl clothes and it's ridiculous. Thirty dollars for a pair of men's jeans but eighteen dollars for women's jeans. That's pretty crappy. I also came out to one of my close friends that I'm transgender and they basically stopped talking to me. But oh well I still have other friends who love and support me.

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