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So today I actually decided to ask my mom if I could buy a binder. And surprisingly she said I could and that I could get my haircut to be boyish again since it's starting to get long. Needless to say I almost cried in relief that I finally get to at least pass for a boy even though my mother still won't refer to me as one. But I guess I should be happy with the little steps right now. I should be lucky that my moms at least trying to be supportive. It's more than some transgender people have. Although I do dread my grandmother asking questions the next time I see her because she always jokes about me being a boy even though I just want to scream at her that I am. Every time I see my grandmother she immediately starts judging me and goes on about how I should wear a dress and be girly. Last time I saw her she told me that she would rather I drunk and did drugs instead of being the person I am. That hurt really bad. Anyways I'm really excited to get a binder because then I'll be able to really pass as the guy I am. But I found out that where I live the state is trying to take away transgender rights. They're making it so transgender people can't use the bathroom or dressing rooms unless they show ID. And the thing is in Tennessee transgender people aren't allowed to change their name or sex on their birth certificate. Even if you get a sex change you'll still legally be the sex you were born with. I personally think that's a load of bull.

Not a princess I wanna be a prince. (The story of a transgendered person)Where stories live. Discover now