Bonding time

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So I finally explained what exactly transgender was to my mom and she finally fully understood since I explained that gender and sex are two completely different things. Oddly enough it started with us watching law and order. She compared me to someone with multiple personality disorder and said "oh your kind of like that because you want to become someone else." I literally just stared at her for a minute then calmly stated "no mom I don't want to become someone else I was born a boy stuck in a girls body. Gender and sex are two completely different things." You could literally see the realization hit her. Well then we continued watching law and order discussing things about me being transgender and we started joking around. It was actually a nice evening until I found out that someone at my moms work stole my binder once it arrived. -_- I paid thirty seven dollars and someone stole it. My mom promised that tomorrow we're going down to her work and demanding the manager person who signed for it either give me the binder back or pay us so we can order another one. But I'm still upset it was stolen.
~next day~
Well I got my binder and its to small.    -_-  just my luck. But I get to return it and the company is going to replace it for free. Also I found testosterone supplements at Walmart which is awesome. I don't know if they'll work or not but I hope it does. You know what's awesome? Pokemon and power rangers. I've been having marathons I missed being able to watch them. Also my dad offered to teach me how to fix cars. Which is fricken awesome because I love cars. But I don't think I'll do it. Me and my dad don't get along very well. Anyways I fricken hate Mother Nature. I of course started and all I want to do is rip my hair out from dysphoria. It's horrible.

Not a princess I wanna be a prince. (The story of a transgendered person)Where stories live. Discover now