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So I'm alive. I've been doing a little bit better with the depression but I'm still struggling with it. My mom actually came to talk to me and she broke down. She told me that it upsets her that I hate myself so much and that she'll start saving money so I can get my top surgery. My dad had a completely different reaction. Needless to say he hates me now and he's extremely angry that I told my therapist about my suicidal thoughts. I don't really care anymore because we already don't have a great relationship. My mom's been referring to me as a boy now but she still won't call me by my preferred name. I've been passing so well that I've even used the men's bathroom without a problem. It makes me feel happy and proud that I'm seen as a boy now. But I also got some bad news. I went to the doctor and got some testing done because I've been having seizures. Well the doctors told me that I don't have epilepsy and they told me that I'm having seizures because it's all in my head. The doctors keep telling me that I'm crazy and that I'm faking the seizures but I'm not. I would do anything to get rid of these seizures because I can't drive, I can't get a job, I can't be by myself or anything. Its frustrating because everyone keeps calling me crazy and saying that I'm doing this for attention but I'm not. I don't even like having attention for the littlest things not to mention having to go to the hospital. I go to the hospital enough as it is for being sick and everything I don't like having to go because of a seizure and getting hooked up to all of these wires and getting IV's put in me. I just want to look the doctors in the eye and scream at them that I'm not crazy and I'm not faking my seizures. I have a genuine problem. Screw anyone who thinks otherwise and tells me I'm crazy because they don't know what it's like. Anyways enough of my ranting for the day and I'm sorry if this post sounded annoying and whiny I'm just frustrated that I don't have any help. Anyways thanks for the people who read this it makes me feel a lot better that people care enough to read about my problems.

Not a princess I wanna be a prince. (The story of a transgendered person)Where stories live. Discover now