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So I was talking to my therapist last week about my journey about coming out as trans. She said that she was proud of all I've accomplished in the last year and I have to agree with her. I used to be extremely transphobic and stuff and refused to listen if the word transgender was ever mentioned and now I'm a proud trans-boy. I used to be scared to be transgender and was terrified to tell anyone. But now I bought a binder and am now looking at least halfway like a boy. I'm being referred to as my preferred pronouns and name except by my mom. I'm still trying to correct and remind of that though. I started this journal and hopefully maybe helped someone. The only thing is I can't wait to start testosterone and get top surgery. My mom told me I'm not allowed until I move out though. So I plan to move out around college which is either this year or next year. I'm still having trouble with depression and everything over my dysphoria. It's extremely horrible and I hate it. But I think I've accomplished a couple of things on my transgender journey. The only thing is that I still need to come out to my grandmother and other family members about being transgender and this weekend we're going to our local amusement park. Maybe I'll come out to them then. I still won't be able to use the men's restroom or anything which is going to be horrible. Anyways I feel like nobody is reading this but if you are then thanks and I hope this journal isn't to boring or anything.

Not a princess I wanna be a prince. (The story of a transgendered person)Where stories live. Discover now